Professional training plans

Aeolian offers the opportunity, to those who cannot or do not want to pursue higher education, to pursue free training curricula which has been developing and perfecting year after year since its foundation. These itineraries also have a potential four-year journey; offer a own final diploma of the center and they also have a strong vocation to connect the student (actor and / or singer) with the student professional world, taking into account their starting point, and promoting an organic and creative development of their innate conditions.

On the other hand, they are more condensed in terms of schedules than the curricula of the higher degree. And they can be taken following the recommended routes of subjects by specialties, or freely by choosing your own academic path (always with the advice of the center).

If the student satisfactorily passes the entire training plan, he / she will receive a degree from the center at the end of the training. If you only complete some of the subjects freely, you will be provided with a certificate with the total number of hours completed.

Training blocks for acting, film, singing and music and theater

INTERPRETATION 1: We start the course with a group cohesion work and active listening training, based on different dynamics that will encourage the value of commitment, the need to be vulnerable, confidence in others, emotional ductility and the importance of betting. There is also a process to accompany the creative act: the performance, understood as a free and individual theatrical action, which will be performed in front of an audience at the end of the semester. From the second semester onwards, we will do more work focused on the process of creating the character and the work of scenes and monologues based on texts by contemporary playwrights. This allows us to delve deeper into the goal and the conflict, into the creation of a concrete imaginary within fiction, into the concepts of space and time, into play and the search for the meaning of the text, into the different languages ​​and codes. theatrical and in staging. A job that requires demand, responsibility and commitment to the other and that gives meaning to all the learning of the course.

FUNDAMENTALS OF THE MOVEMENT: It basically works on body awareness. Body care, knowledge, integration of the different parts, exploration, breathing, listening, observation, etc. Body alignment, directions, postures, and knowledge of body use, expression, and general presence will be worked on. There will also be proposals for movement games, simple chains, small choreographies and moving improvisations.

INTERPRETATION 2: Text work (contemporary XNUMXth century author). Daulte acting training sessions. Text work (Chekhov).

BODY TRAINING 1: Contemporary Dance and Viewpoints.

INTERPRETATION 3: Daulte acting training sessions. Text work (theater of the absurd). Daulte acting training sessions. Text work (Shakespeare).

BODY TRAINING 2: Physical theater and jazz dance

Subjects h / week
1 interpretation 6
Fundamentals of movement 3
Subjects h / week
2 interpretation 6
1 body training 3
Subjects h / week
3 interpretation 6
2 body training 3

Recommended optional block if you have a special interest in exploring and discovering your qualities in front of the camera.

The block includes voice, diction and articulation classes where the connection of the voice with the body and emotions will be worked on and special emphasis will be placed on the diction and articulation of the Catalan and Spanish languages.

It also includes specific classes in front of the camera, with live recording of the material by specialized fellows. In the third year there will be specific casting sessions for castings.

Subjects h / week
Diction and articulation 1 2
Introduction to camera 2
Subjects h / week
Diction and articulation 2 1,5
Acting in front of camera 1 3
Subjects h / week
Diction and articulation 3 1,5
Acting in front of camera 2 3

An optional blog recommended for those who have a passion for music, for those who want to be musical theater performers or for those of you who may have dreamed of being able to have a recording career.

The blog includes comprehensive singing technique classes, where from the Estill Voice Training® technique you will educate your sung voice and you will have more tools when it comes to singing different vocal styles. In addition, you will face solo and group musical theater songs in song performance subjects and musical theater workshops.

Apart from that, you will have a private singing teacher who will work specifically with your tessitura and you will be able to sing the repertoire you like!

Subjects h / week
Comprehensive singing technique 1 1,5
Cant lab 1,5
Singular number 1 40 minutes
Subjects h / week
Comprehensive singing technique 2 1,5
Song interpretation 2,5
Singular number 2 40 minutes
Subjects h / week
Comprehensive singing technique 3 1,5
Musical theater workshop 2,5
Singular number 3 40 minutes

Recommended blog if theater is your passion and you want to thoroughly explore your acting records on stage, as well as discover how to create stories and stage them on stage.

The blog includes spoken voice classes where the connection of the voice with the body and emotions will be worked on specifically and special emphasis will be placed on the voice applied to the theater. You will also take diction and articulation classes and prepare a dramatized reading.

In addition, this blog will introduce you to dramaturgy and stage direction. You will read great classics of dramatic literature and discover the history of theater. You will also learn how to write and stage plays, and we will give you tools to direct performers.

Subjects h / week
Spoken voice 1 2
Drama 2
Subjects h / week
Spoken voice 2 1,5
Stage direction 3
Subjects h / week
Spoken voice 3 1,5
Dramatic writing 3

Academic information

In order to be eligible for the Free School's training plans, a level test must be carried out in order to be able to assess the applicant's artistic potential and to be able to recommend the best training course.
The tests are done from July, every Wednesday in the morning or afternoon. The applicant must choose any Wednesday for the test and book in advance of the chosen day.

OPEN ENROLLMENT: May-October 2024. Closed August.
COURSE START: Friday, October 4, 2024
END OF COURSE: Friday, June 20, 2025

* There is an annual registration of access to the training plans (varies according to the training plan). The students of 2n or 3r of the training plan enjoy a special discount on the registration of the following course.
* If the total payment of the course is made before the start, the student enjoys an 5% discount.

The 2024 entrance exams will be performed morning or afternoon shift

NOVEMBER: from November 11 to 28
Mondays from 12h to 14h
Wednesday from 15h to 16h

You can also take the test in the months of April, May and June by making an appointment in advance

There is the possibility of validating the access test by completing one of the basic level summer courses: ACTING TRAINING o LEARNER A
INTERPRET You will find the information and prices in this link: intensive-summer


Artistic curriculum vitae (pdf). Training in performing arts and amateur and / or professional experience must be reflected.


1 photocopy of DNI, NIE or passport (you can send it in pdf by mail)
1 card size photo or portrait photo (you can send it in pdf by mail)
Account number for direct debit of monthly receipts


- INTERPRETATION TEST: Memorize and interpret a free monologue lasting between 2 and 4 minutes.

- SINGING TEST: Memorize, sing and perform a song (free style) lasting between 2 and 4 minutes. The applicant must sing it on an instrumental basis (pre-recorded or Youtube link). You can connect your mobile device or tablet to your classroom music equipment.


The test fee is € 20. Candidates who take the INTERPRETATION or SINGING test pay the fee. The test fee must be paid BEFORE the day of the test. Those who have not paid in advance will not be able to take the test on the chosen day.

Who should take the test? Who should interview?







- INTRODUCTION TO INTERPRETATION: Interview with the coordinator of free training.

- Other first year subjects: Neither interview nor test. They can enroll directly.

Academic fees of the Secretary for the academic year 2024-2025:

Application forAcademic records and / or other types of Certificates of studies sealed and signed (includes details of subjects studied, hours of training and / or payments) €12
Request for Certificates (historical) of teachers sealed and signed (includes details of subjects and number of hours spent and / or payments) €12
Deposit for annual rent of a personal locker (includes key) €10

At Eòlia CSAD we do not believe in monolithic protocols that uniform students. That's why we study all the variables to guarantee equal opportunities and attention to diversity, paying special attention to protecting fair treatment and avoiding possible comparative grievances. In the same way, we take special care and sensitivity with all students who manifest any diagnosed problems or other particularities.

In the attached document you can consult the protocol followed by the pedagogical and academic coordination of the center to attend to students with SEN (Special Educational Needs):

Attention to diversity and Special Educational Needs (SEN)

Creation workshop

El Creation Workshop it is eminently practical and its main purpose is to connect the student with the professional world. It consists of immersing oneself in the process of creating an original work by a playwright / director, made to measure by the members of the team; and that it will be performed for 4 days in the programming of the Teatre Eòlia (June) and will look for -according to the results- the fit in the context of programming of some of the professional rooms of Barcelona.

From September 18 to June 30, 2024

Available times:

Mornings: Tuesday and Thursday from 10am to 14pm with Lali Álvarez
Afternoons: Monday and Wednesday from 18pm to 22pm with Josep Julien


In order to access this workshop, it is necessary to send the artistic CV (training and/or professional experience) and take an access test between September 1 and 16. Groups have a maximum of 10 members. The entrance exam consists of presenting a free contemporary theater monologue of between 3 and 4 minutes. You need to make an appointment in order to take the access test by sending an email to

Training in stage direction and dramaturgy

Eòlia wants to promote the growth and training of young directors and playwrights, which is why the first introductory courses in dramaturgy and stage direction were created in 2006, which have been a very active tool for revitalization. in the center.

The departments are therefore encouraged to create synergies between drama and direction students and students in the Free School's acting curriculum, in order to generate joint projects. And drama students are also invited to take part in the rehearsal process for the workshop / room editing; thus offering them the possibility of being close to a process of professional creation. In this way these courses are more than just an introduction as we offer the possibility to the student to be integrated (in a supervised way) to our concept of creation platform.

In free training the center gives the possibility of take Higher Degree subjects, together with the students enrolled in the degree, as long as they remain vacancies.

To access these studies you need to conduct a pedagogical guidance interview with the head of the Department of Dramaturgy and Direction.

OPEN ENROLLMENT: June-October 2024. August closed.
COURSE START: October 2024

2425_FREE general calendar

* There is an annual registration fee for access to the training of 90 €.
* If the total payment of the course is made before the start, the student enjoys an 5% discount.
* There are no classes during the month of January (students of the Degree in internships)

BASIC TRAINING (without previous requirements)

Subjects h / set Semester  Hours
Scenic and scenic direction 3h Annual  Monday 15 - 18h
Monologue and dialogue  3h Annual Friday 15.30 - 18.30h

(it is necessary to have completed the basic training or to demonstrate experience)

Subjects h / set Semester Hours
Subject, formal structure and material compilation. 2h S1 (September-January) Tuesday 18 - 19h
Personage and character structure 2h 2h S1 (September-January) Thursday 18 - 20h
Space. Meaning of space. 2h  S2 (February-May) Thursday 16 - 18 p.m.
Invention of the argument 2h S1 (September-January) Wednesday 18 - 20h
Spoken language vs. written language 2h S2 (February-May) Tuesday 18 - 20h

(it is necessary to have completed the basic training or to demonstrate experience)

Subjects h / set Semester Hours
Actors' direction. 3h Annual Friday 16 - 19 p.m.
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