Theatrical pedagogy


Residence of Experiential Pedagogy

This training aims to provide the teacher, the actor, or the therapist with tools for theatrical pedagogy to be able to incorporate them into regular professional practice, or to open new spaces for exploration and accompaniment. It also offers an experience of growth and broadening of the gaze for anyone who wants to enhance their communication.

The training integrates all the realities and areas of life in the teaching of the performing arts, and also the application of the performing arts in accompanying people and for their well-being.

Addressed to:

  • Professionals of the Performing Arts (actors, singers, dancers, etc.)
  • Professionals, teachers and teachers of theater or any field
  • Health professionals, therapists, educators and social workers
  • Anyone who wants to open up to an experience and reflection in relation to communication, inclusion, support and personal deployment.

The training is offered in format 6-day intensive residential at a spa hotel in l'Alt Urgell, from Sunday afternoon to Friday noon.

Participants will receive a diploma of attendance with the total number of training hours.


– Welcome and introduction
– The look of the teacher. Vision, mission, values
– Fitzmaurice Voicework®. dynamics
– Theatrical interpretation. Dynamics and theatrical tools
– Online theoretical sessions with invited professionals: Neuroscience, Diversity and High abilities, Adaptability in learning
– Daily warm-ups (Mindfulness Practice). Nocturnal meditations and reflections
- Preparation and implementation of a teaching practice
– Meditation among free horses


Pending confirmation


Actor, singer and trainer in various disciplines. Graduated from the Eòlia school (2000-2004) and diploma from the Theater College (1999-2001) in Barcelona. Postgraduate module in "Theatre and Education", "Management and Group Dynamics" with Georges Laferrière (2014, Theater Institute). Diploma in Technical Architecture (1996, UPC.) Theater actor (Impromptu Teatre, Malrayo Impro), musical theater (Dagoll Dagom), Cinema (Ventura Pons), Television (Antena 3, TV3), Advertising. Since 2009 as a regular trainer in interpretation, musical comedy, theatrical improvisation and music, theater for dancers... in Eòlia, Escola Luthier, Aula de Teatre de Mataró, Vocal Factory, Complot Escènic, Factoria Dimo ​​de Barcelona. Since 2011, trainer of Teatre sen Límits, theater for people with specific problems in Aeolia.

Actress and singer. He has worked with the most prestigious directors of the Catalan theater scene, developing his career as a musical theater performer. Co-founder and co-director ofAeolian School of Dramatic Art and of the Miranda Foundation. Associate Professor of Fitzmaurice Voicework ©. Interested and passionate about the voice-body-emotion connection, the connection with nature, human communication and between species.


The experience of many years of personal work and also as a Bioenergetic Analyst with children, adolescents and adults in individual and group therapy allows me a certain perspective to state that Bioenergetic Analysis is an approach that opens the understanding of being, the path to the pleasure of feeling alive and rooted in the world; it connects us with vitality and hope in the ability to lead our own lives with creativity and love ”.

Doctor in Philosophy and Education Sciences and a Bachelor's in Pedagogy from the University of Barcelona. "I dedicate myself to everything that has to do with humanization, to keep believing in the human genre, or to make our life more human, therefore: social education, resilience, neuro-neurotic and e-learning .

Teresa Garcia

His path is oriented towards the art of presence. She has a degree in contemporary dance from the Institut del Teatre with recognition of equivalence to the higher degree. Diploma in Social Education from the University of Barcelona and in Leisure Activities Management from the Pere Tarrés Foundation. She has worked professionally as a choreographer, actress, dancer and movement assistant in plays and visual arts since 1996. She highlights her seminars with Jader Tolja, a researcher in the relationship between body, culture and identity. He embarks on interdisciplinary artistic or educational projects in order to give voice to the body dimension and enrich his research.

Clinical Psychologist and actress. Specialized in individual and group therapy, Theater therapy and Counseling. Professor in different masters of Psychology from the University of Girona (UdG). Author of the book "Apply yourself" (Luciérnaga - Grupo Planeta). He gives courses at the College of Psychologists of Catalonia and in other centers of the City of Barcelona. Contributor to the program of psychology of Catalunya Ràdio "The job of living".


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