A dramatic comedy written and directed by Josep Galindo, the director of Eòlia, which has the participation of teachers and professionals graduated from the center (Mariona Esplugues, Carla Pueyo, José Pedro García Balada, Marc Arias and Pol Forment) and the co-founder by Eolia Rosa Galindo.
Angèlica is a young and demanding girl linked to the anti-system movements who has been studying Art History for five years now. She could very well be a XNUMXst century Antigone. Her younger sister, Sofia, is the complete opposite: an exemplary citizen, graduated in Audiovisuals, she always lives with prudence and sanity within the rules set by the system.
Following the thread of the demands of groups against climate change, Angèlica does not intend to throw gazpacho or tomato cream on Van Gogh's sunflowers or the Mona Lisa. Angèlica plans to directly attack Picasso's Guernica on the same day as the opening of the Universal Exhibition.
A comic and dramatic theater show, full of ethical contradictions, which reflects on the social function of art and the individual's ability to face the system and corruption.
14/12/2023 – 14/01/2024
Authorship and direction: Joseph Galindo
Performers: Mariona Esplugues, Carla Pueyo, José Pedro García Balada, Rosa Galindo, Marc Arias, Pol Forment
Music production and sound design: Lluís Casahuga & Kic Bartumeu
Lighting design: Anna Espunya
Video design: Antwhere Oak
Costume design: Zaida Crespo
Set design: Josep Galindo
Movement advice: Aina Torné
Qlab design: Eric Rufo
Set construction: Louis Polo
Directing and Dramaturgy internship student: Incarnate Laguna
Production and Casting: Julia Faneca
Graphic design: Julia Millet
Communication: Clara Esteban
Press: Neil Martin
Promotion and groups: Carmen Solé
Photography: MW Photography
Lighting technician and Head of room: Andrés Piza
Ticket office: Mario Rebugent
Acknowledgments: Mar Monegal, Jana Galindo, Pablo Ley and Fortià Viñas
In collaboration with Sandaru Hall
A work of Theater Eòlia Productions