General information
EÒLIA CSAD has been teaching, since the 2012-2013 academic year, Higher Artistic Education in Dramatic Art, in the specialties ofInterpretation and from Scenic Direction and Dramaturgy, with official degree recognized as a university degree, with the authorization of the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya and in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 630/2010 of 14 May which regulates the basic content of these courses established by the Organic Law, 2 / 2006, of the 3 of May.
These theatrical teachings have as their main objective to generate the qualified training of professionalsin the fields of acting, stage direction and playwriting and in all those areas of knowledge and research that are specific to it. In this sense, our center is committed to a practical training dynamic based on the synergy between specialties, where teamwork among students is promoted in order to fully develop their creativity and personality from day one and throughout the 4 years of their education.
Since 2016, Eòlia has been working together with the AQU (Agency for University Quality), within the AUDIT-EAS program, for the implementation of the quality system of higher artistic education at our center.
The strong points of our pedagogical project are:
- Active teachers.
- Specialization in Drama, Film and TV or Musical Theater.
- Practical training from the first year: Drama and Stage Direction students join once per semester in order to create a play to be presented at Eòlia's theatre.
- Individualized follow-up of the student.
- Line in English (optional) in the third year of the Drama specialization.
- Erasmus and international mobility in London and Chicago.
- Free casting scholarship service during the 4 years of study and thereafter.
- Assignment of rehearsal spaces to theater companies that have emerged in the school, and programming of shows at the Teatre Eòlia.
Academic information
1 semester: from September 13 to January 28, 2025
Semester 2: from 6 from February to 15 in June of 2025
You will find the specific timetables for each course on each of the pages of the two specialisms.
The Resolution of the General Directorate of Concerted Centers and Private Centers (of the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya) of 29 September 2011 authorized the Eòlia educational center to offer a maximum of 144 places for Higher Studies between the two specialties (Interpretation and Stage Direction and Dramaturgy) and the four years involved in its deployment at full capacity.
During the calls from 2012 to 2015, the number of places offered for new entrants was 24 for the specialty of Interpretation and 12 for that of Stage Direction and Dramaturgy.
From the 2016-2017 academic year, and thanks to an expansion of the Aeolian spaces, the Department of Education authorized the expansion of the number of places offered in the first year of the Interpretation specialty, reaching up to 36 places.
From the second year onwards, students in the Interpretation specialty will have to choose one of the three optional mentions that the center offers: Musical Theater, Cinema and TV or Direction and Dramaturgy. Depending on the choice of electives chosen, each student must enroll in one elective or another. The Musical Theater line has limited places and is filled based on first-year qualifications.
In the third year, students in the Interpretation specialty also have the option of following the line in English, where 8 of the compulsory subjects in this language are taken. This line is not mandatory, and also has limited places (12) that are filled depending on the language level.
Information at this link:
Period and enrollment procedure
Period of enrollment:
New students of the first year
They will have the right to enroll the first 36 qualified for the specialty of Interpretation and the first 12, for the specialty of Performing Direction and Dramaturgy. Both will have to exercise this right to enrollment on the seven working days following the publication of the final list of admitted. The rest of the candidates with the approved final grade will be part of the waiting list and may exercise their right to enroll if the 7 working days have elapsed, there are still places available.
Hosting and tutorial sessions
One of the priority objectives of Eolia is to facilitate the stay of students that are included in the context of their studies. Continuously activities are designed to achieve a good integration and adaptation to this new educational environment.
Welcome briefing day. Talk addressed to students enrolling in Eolia for the first time.
Language reception Talk about the general presentation of the use of languages in Eolia, resources, official courses and activities for students from places outside the Catalan linguistic field.
Academic secretary's staff. Eòlia has a staff of academic secretary specialized in the attention to the public and connoisseur of the pedagogical structure of the center in the areas that are appropriate to inform students already enrolled as interested people who just finish their education. get to the facilities.
The enrollment procedure begins with the presentation to the Academic Secretary of the center, on the part of the student, of the application for enrollment.
The corresponding form is facilitated to the students of each specialty at the end of the course and to the candidates that have passed the proof of access.
You can find the current course forms in this link:
There will be a single registration corresponding to the credits of the whole school year. Enrollment modifications are allowed only within the established deadlines.
The settlement and admission of the application does not imply compliance with its content. In any case, the validity of the registration is conditioned on the veracity of the data contained therein, on compliance with the requirements established in current regulations and on full payment in the form and within the established deadlines.
The fact of not paying the tuition or any of the installments within the terms established by EÒLIA CSAD entails the automatic suspension of the student's rights with the effects and conditions established in these regulations in the section on consequences of failure to pay the registration
Documentation to be attached to the application:
Students enrolling in a specialty for the first time must attach the following documentation to the application for enrollment:
- A passport-size photograph
- Photocopy of DNI. In the case of foreign students, a photocopy of the passport or the foreigner identification number (NIE). The foreign students of the European Union can present a photocopy of the identity document issued by the competent authority of the country of origin.
- In the case of requesting an exemption, bonus and/or free of charge, supporting documentation of the alleged cause. Eòlia CSAD establishes the form and deadlines for the presentation of these documents.
- Academic documentation corresponding to the access route:
- Students that come from the baccalaureate or equivalent studies: original and photocopy of the title of the baccalaureate or the defense of having paid the corresponding issuing rights or certification of passing the equivalent studies.
- Students who come from the entrance exam for candidates without the academic requirement: original and justifying document of having passed the test in which the obtained qualification appears.
- Students who come from the entrance exam for adults of 25 years old: original and justifying proof of having passed the test showing the qualification obtained.
- Students from EU member states who meet the academic requirements required to access EÒLIA CSAD: original credential and photocopy issued by the Ministry of Education as equivalent to the high school diploma.
- Students from transfer of file: academic record of the center of origin in which they include the subjects studied and the qualifications obtained.
- Other accreditations that are required according to the bases determined in the access.
If the student enters the same center via an entrance test, all this documentation will have already been requested at the time of registration for the test. It will only need to be presented by those who access the center via proof of access in another CSAD or via file transfer.
Minimum and maximum enrollment credits:
The minimum and maximum credits to enroll by course will be those that establishes the regulations of permanence in the studies.
The students that enroll in the courses of 2n, 3r and 4t of both specialties, must bear in mind the registration terms and conditions of the center.
The application fees and prices for the higher studies of Eòlia CSAD are approved annually by the board of directors of the center.
The student must pay the amount resulting from the number of credits to which he is enrolled. This amount will be notified once the enrollment is approved by the head of studies and the academic secretary's office, taking into account the results of the assessment and the enrollment criteria of the subjects.
Registration of recognized credits:
Students who have obtained the recognition or recognition for validation of credits due to other university studies or professional experience, must pay 70% of the amount per current credit.
In the event that the students have already paid the total amount of the credits in the 100% before the recognition process, the corresponding amount will be paid as long as the subjects that validate have not been started.
In case the student has already approved the recognition before the enrollment process, the total calculation of the registration will be made taking into account the discount.
Registration aids:
Apart from the scholarships offered by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports for post-compulsory studies, EÒLIA CSAD calls for different scholarships or financial aid for higher education students every year.
All the information on the scholarships and grants that are offered in the center can be found at the point 3.15_Beques and grants.
If the scholarship student has already paid the total amount of the credits before granting the scholarship, the amount corresponding to his current account will be paid. If the granting of the scholarship happens before the enrollment process, the total calculation of the registration will be made taking into account the discount.
School insurance:
EÒLIA CSAD has contracted health insurance for all its students (mutual FIATC), which is already included in the price per credit. Therefore, you are not required to pay any amount at the time of registration.
The registration fee can be paid, at the request of the interested person, in accordance with the methods approved by the board of directors of EÒLIA CSAD.
The payment methods are:
OPTION TO: 100% payment from June to July
OPTION B: 50% payment June-July + 50% payment September
OPTION C : 50% payment June-July + 50% installment course (5% interest)
OPTION D: 25% payment June-July + 75% installment course (5% interest).
IMPORTANT: Only first-year students can adjust to payment options A and B. The options C and D are exclusive for students of 2n, 3r and 4t course.
Payment (options A and B):
The total or partial enrollment payments can be made:
- Via transfer to the bank account number of the center (ES89 2100 2878 6102 0068 7773).
- Visa at the center reception.
The payment of the first part, which entails the reservation of the place in the requested course, must be made within the maximum period of 15 calendar days counted from the date of presentation of the registration.
Payment for the month of September must always be done before the start date of classes.
If one of the payments is not fulfilled, it will be carried out in accordance with the one set forth in the consequences of the lack of payment of the registration. In no case does the student have the right to demand the return of the amounts already paid.
Payment in installments and domiciled (options C and D):
If the student opts for payment options C and D, part of the tuition can be split over the course, although this fractional part is increased by 5% of its economic value.
Usually, the fractionation of the second part of the registration will be between the months of September and May (9 monthly payments).
The student who adjusts to these options will have to facilitate the reception of the center with the bank details where to make the direct debit.
It is the responsibility of the student to verify that the account where he domiciled the payments is operational, that the charge of direct debit is authorized for this academic course and that the bank makes every month effective the payment of the monthly payment, given the consequences that They derive from the lack of payment of this, and that are established in the section of consequences of non-payment of the registration. In the case of direct debit from a bank account of which the student is not the holder, it must be authorized by his bank to pay the receipts.
The return of receipts or payments outside the term will imply an additional cost for the student, in terms of return and management expenses.
The student can also request the payment of the fractions or monthly payments in cash or visa at the same center, or via bank transfer to the center's entity, provided that he undertakes payment before 5 of the current month .
Payment receipts:
Students must retain all the payment guarantors of the registration throughout the course, as they are the documents that certify it.
Payment receipts can be both proof of the transfer made from the bank or the receipt of the center (in case it has been paid in cash or visa in the same center).
Payments out of time:
In serious and exceptional cases, and duly justified, the Head of the academic secretary of the center, or the person delegated, can inform the payment outside the established deadlines.
Registration validity conditions:
The total payment of the registration fee is an essential requirement of its validity. If the payment is made fractionally, the payment obligation is considered satisfied and the moment in which each and every one of the fractional payments have been made.
Consequences of non-payment of tuition:
Failure to pay tuition or any of the installments within the deadlines established by EÒLIA CSAD entails the automatic temporary suspension of the student's academic rights. This suspension will be lifted when the student pays the entire amount of the tuition that is pending payment.
EÒLIA CSAD may establish a surcharge and late interest that must be added to the amount of the unpaid receipt or receipts.
Any change or cancellation of registration will not be resolved if the student is not up to date in their payments.
In any case, once the academic year has ended without the student having made the payment, EÒLIA CSAD automatically cancels the enrollment without the right to any refund. The cancellation of the enrollment implies the full nullity of all the effects that this enrollment may have produced and especially of the grades that the students have obtained due to the annulled enrollment.
Without prejudice to what is established in the previous paragraph, EÒLIA CSAD requires the payment of the outstanding amounts for registrations for previous and simultaneous academic courses in any of its specialties as a precondition for enrollment or the issuance of degrees or certificates.
In exceptional and duly justified cases, the Management of EÒLIA CSAD, or a person to whom it delegates, may accept the payment of previous courses, which update the canceled registration, with the application of the surcharge and late interest.
In accordance with the student follow-up policy of the center (Action Plan of Action) It is imperative that the students communicate to Management through personal interview any problems that may have regarding the payment of the registration, so that agreement can be reached if the reason is considered justified.
Modification of the registration:
Students may request the abolition, change or addition of enrollment subjects already completed, within the period of 15 calendar days from the date of completion of ordinary enrollment. In the case of special subjects (which do not have a registration period), the 15 natural days will be counted from the date of enrollment.
As the center is closed during the month of August, this right of modification is always extended throughout the first week of September.
This modification of the enrollment generates a new financial settlement that replaces or complements the previous one, and EÒLIA CSAD will pay the student the difference that may occur in his favor, if applicable. If the student pays in installments, the monthly payments or installments will be recalculated.
Once this period has been completed, the student may request the abolition or addition of subjects of the matrícula carried out within the terms established to this norm. In this case, the registration fee must be paid before requesting the modification. This change of enrollment generates a new economic settlement that replaces or complements the previous one and the student must pay the amount of the credits that he amends without being entitled to the return of the amounts paid by the credits that he has canceled or modified .
Notwithstanding the provisions of the previous section, if the causes of the modification are not attributable to the student, the amount paid for the credits that have been canceled or modified can be returned, with the previous resolution of the director of the downtown
If, as a consequence of any change in enrollment, the student must make a new payment, this will be done at once and effective in the 15 days following the date of the modification, as long as the student has the method of payment in cash. If you pay in the split mode, the remaining monthly payments will be recalculated.
Cancellation of registration or call:
Students have the right to request the total cancellation of the enrollment or the cancellation of the call of some subjects, within certain periods determined by the center.
The Chief of Academic Secretary, once the annulment of the registration or call has been approved, will be the one who will solve and determine the economic and academic effects that are derived therefrom.
Cancellation of enrollment does not entail the return of enrollment fees. The return of the registration will only be made in cases where the responsibility corresponds to the center and they are duly justified, provided that the request has been made within a period not exceeding the first fifteen days of teaching the classes. The Management, guaranteed by the Management, can authorize a return of the registration fee, only in exceptional cases and duly justified by the student.
The cancellation of the call contemplates the return of the registration fee for the missed subjects, provided that the cancellation has been made within the first two weeks of class for the corresponding semester. But in any case, the money will never be refunded but will be deposited for the next academic year. However, the economic resolution will always be a decision agreed between Management and Management.
Other incidents:
EÒLIA CSAD is empowered to resolve doubts or discrepancies in the enrollment process. Address in the first instance to the Head of Academic Secretariat of the center via email at
Permanence regulations
Modalities of dedication:
In the studies, there are two types of dedication:
- Full-time mode
- Part-time mode.
To the modality of full-time dedication, the student must enroll:
- In the first year, of the total of the 60 credits.
- In the rest of the courses with a minimum of 41 credits and a maximum of 72 credits between the two semesters of the academic year. The enrollment of optional subjects of the other specialty is allowed if they do not have access requirements and the schedule is compatible.
To the modality of part time dedication, the student must enroll:
- In the first year, a minimum of 24 credits and a maximum of 40.
- In the rest of the courses with a minimum of 24 credits and a maximum of 40 credits between the two semesters of the academic year.
The registration must be made taking into account the matters that have been set as mandatory in the syllabus.
EÒLIA CSAD will offer up to a maximum of 10 for 100 for part-time jobs in the first year and up to a maximum of 20 for 100 in the remaining courses.
These percentages correspond to the set of places that are offered each course, which the center will distribute freely between the two specialties that are offered.
The center will allow the enrollment of students who want to take less than 24 credits only in case the access requirements of the subjects do not allow them to do a higher enrollment (cases of repeaters that complete third-party subjects or repeat subjects that are suspended fourth).
Considerations for the specialty Interpretation:
As indicated in the Student Verification Report, the first course of the specialty Interpretation recommends that the student enroll in all the credits in this specialty. We believe that for the balanced development of all subjects (especially those of a practical nature) it is essential that students have, above all at the beginning, a harmonious growth that integrates all the knowledge and knowledge proposed in the syllabus as a starting point of its formation. This first year has as a global objective to test its instrument and its ability to progress in order to be able to specifically target students from the second year towards the mention of the Optativity of Musical or to the Mention of Optional Cinema and Television having explored a wide range of its basic registers. The exceptional partial incorporation of students in the specialty of Interpretation in the first year will be valued only in very specific cases where the professional profile (linked to the scenic arts) of the participant justifies this incorporation.
From the second year the center offers the student of the specialty Interpretation to choose either the Optional Mention of Musical or the Optional Mention of Cinema and Television. Since the two mentions have a limited number of places limited to the capacity of their practical subjects (numerus clausus) to the annual offer of the center, the access to them will be by evaluation criterion. That is, those with the best overall grade in the first year can choose electives of the second until the groups are full. In the event that someone can not take the optional subjects they wish they can enroll in those corresponding to the other mention or take part in part-time enrollment and therefore, study the optional credits of the mention that they wish to choose as First option the following year. However, the center reserves the possibility to open more optional subjects of one or another mention based on the demand.
Considerations for the specialty Scenic direction and drama:
In the first year, although the ideal for the training of students would be to take all the credits proposed in the curriculum, we consider that given the demand -smaller than in Interpretation- and the specific profile of many of the students of Stage Management and Dramaturgy (older and already in the professional world), it is important to consider the possibility that a greater number of students can access the part-time modality.
Application process for change of dedication mode:
The offer of part-time modality will be made public on the bill of official information one week before the start of the enrollment period.
In order to be able to opt for one of the places of modality part-time it is necessary to request it not later than the first week of the enrollment period. The application must be made through an instance or email to Academic Secretary ( and the change must be approved by the Head of Studies and, ultimately, by the Director.
Priority is given in the change of modality of dedication to students who have a higher average academic record; In any case, the management of the center will evaluate the exceptional and over-circumstances that motivate the request.
Once the change in the type of dedication has been approved, the student must indicate it to the enrollment application form, which must be completed as all other students within the indicated periods.
For the students who study in the part-time modality, it will be considered that year after year they continue in the same mode if during the enrollment period they do not communicate to Academic Secretary who want to change to full-time dedication.
The student can change their modality of dedication at most two times throughout the studies. For the second change in the type of dedication, the student must have completed at least 80% of the credits enrolled until the moment of the application.
Criteria and structure of permanence:
Full-time students have a maximum of 6 active years to complete higher education, including end-of-year work.
Part-time students have a maximum of 9 active years to complete their higher education, including end-of-year work.
The maximum number of years to complete the higher studies of the students that alternate the full-time enrollment and the part-time enrollment is:
- 3 courses for full enrollment and 1 part-time: 7 years active.
- 2 courses for full enrollment and 2 part-time: 8 years active.
- 1 full enrollment course and 3 part-time: 9 years active.
The student who due to serious and exceptional causes duly justified fails to pass their higher education in the time determined, may request the Department of Education the authorization to enroll for a further year.
Minimum credit to overcome:
For the first year: In order to continue the studies, the student must pass a minimum of 24 credits between the two semesters of the academic year in the full-time modality and 12 in the part-time mode.
The student who does not exceed this minimum of credits does not cause a loss to the center, but will not be able to enroll any subject of subsequent courses in the next academic year.
From the first year: In all the modalities you must surpass a minimum of the 50% of the credits of the first course to be able to enroll to credits of courses superiors. In any case, the student must enroll in all the credits not surpassed in the first year. At the end of the second year, in the full-time, or third-year, part-time mode, the student must have passed the total of the 60 credits that make up the first academic year of the degree. Only in the event that they remain to surpass a maximum of 12 credits of these 60 initial credits, you can formalize, with extraordinary character, a license plate, without prejudice to the application of the criteria of permanence.
In the rest of the courses: In the rest of the courses the student must continue to enroll always of the subjects not previously passed.
Exceptionally, once a year per course and with the previous application accepted by the management of the center, one year can be deferred the registration of only one obligatory subject not passed, with the obligation to return to enroll the student. next year.
The student must surpass a minimum of 50% of the credits enrolled between the two semesters of the academic course to be able to pass of course.
Matriculation of subjects of higher courses:
The center allows the enrollment of subjects of higher courses as long as they do not have access requirements and the student can demonstrate the abilities to attend them.
In the case of the specialty Interpretation, as of the second year, the student can enroll subjects of the other specialty that will then be counted as optional subjects.
In the case of the specialty Performing Direction and Dramaturgy can always enroll in subjects of higher courses, provided that it is approved by the Director, who will take into account the academic and professional profile of the student
Prerequisites: The student will be able to enroll the credits of upper courses always in function of the compatibilities or incompatibilities that mark the previous requirements of each asignatura. When a student suspends a subject in the first year or of any other course, the enrollment of those subjects of the following courses that have previous requirements linked to the suspended subject will be automatically affected. In case of an incompatibility of schedules between subjects, it will always be a priority to enroll the suspended subjects.
Allocation of places: The allocation of places in the subjects will, as a general rule, be in strict order of registration. When there is an excess demand for places in a subject, preference will be given to those students who have passed all the subjects of the previous year in ordinary call.
Step from first to second cycle: The student will not be able to enroll the third complete course if he has suspended more than 3 subjects of the first cycle (1st and 2nd year).
Registration for 4th year subjects: The student will not be able to enroll in the subjects 7 interpretation systems ni Final degree thesis if he has suspended any subject of the first cycle (1st and 2nd year). The student will not be able to enroll in the subject Final degree thesis if you have Basic or Compulsory subjects to pass from 1st to 3rd year.
Mention of optional Musical Theater: The electives for the Musical Theater mention have a maximum of 12 places, which will be filled according to the best grades in the first year singing subjects. It will not be possible to access the mention of Musical Theater if the student has suspended subjects of interpretation of 1st course.
English line: To access the line in English in the 3rd year, it will be necessary to pass a language level test by the director of the center. Admission will be subject to the level test and the student's academic record. When a student does mobility in the first semester of the 3rd year, he / she will join the English line of the center during the second semester.
Specific criteria for the final work: The student can enroll in the subject Final Degree Project as long as he has passed all the subjects of Basic and Compulsory Training from first to third year. In the case of the Interpretation specialty, it is also essential that the student enrolls in all the remaining subjects to complete his / her studies. It should be noted that the student will not be able to do it if he / she has failed any of the 4th grade subjects in the first semester.
EÒLIA CSAD allows up to two calls for subjects enrolled during the academic year: the regular call (official exam) and the extraordinary call (remedial exam). Each subject has a specific calendar for its extraordinary assessment. The student can consult it through the corresponding Head of Department.
Each student will be able to enroll a maximum of four times in the same subject. Thus, students have, in general, a maximum of eight calls (four ordinary and four extraordinary) to pass each subject.
The exhaustion of the eight calls without exceeding the subject can lead to the impossibility of continuing the studies in the same center. For the last call, the student may request to be evaluated by a court appointed by the center's director. Students who have made a transfer of the center, are not counted the calls not passed in the center of origin.
The director of the center may authorize, at the request of the student, on an exceptional basis and for duly justified reasons (illness, accident, care of relatives or any other serious circumstance that does not depend on the will of the student), another call extraordinary
In order to establish the necessary credits to choose the type of enrollment of the students, the subjects consist of like registered and pending of qualification until the first call has finished and, if it is the case, the extraordinary call.
Change of specialty:
EÒLIA CSAD can authorize the change of specialty within the same qualification if there are vacant places and the requirements established in the verification report are met. The change of specialty requires students to pass the specific test for access to the specialty beforehand, except for the common test since it is the same for both specialties.
In the change of specialty, the subjects of the subjects of basic training passed in the specialty of origin are incorporated in the academic transcript of the specialty of destination. In addition, students may apply for recognition of credits in other subjects or subjects passed: these applications will be resolved in accordance with the procedures and criteria established by the center and approved by the Department of Education.
Abandonment of education:
Once an academic year has elapsed without the student having enrolled in education, it is understood that he leaves it. To register to register, you must make a request to the center within the registration periods established, which will be available provided there are places available, and notwithstanding the application of the criteria of permanence. The director can assess whether the interested party must make an interview or a proof of access to be specified.
General Scheme:
In general, for the purposes of permanence, all the semesters are counted from the moment of the first enrollment. In case of cancellation due to serious and exceptional circumstances, the subjects of a single semester will not be computed, for the purposes of the permanence regime.
Recognized and recognized credits for validation:
- They are computable with respect to the minimum credits to be passed per course.
- They are computable with regard to the minimum of credits necessary to enroll, but not as regards the maximum.
Students with special needs:
EÒLIA CSAD will promote the effective adaptation of the residence and enrollment regulations to the needs of students with special needs, through the assessment in each specific case and the adoption of appropriate specific measures.
Unforeseen situations:
The center may request the Department of Education to resolve situations not foreseen in the center in matters of rules of permanence.
Summary tables:
Offer of places - Mode of part-time dedication | |
Name (*) | Maximum 10% of places in the first year Maximum 20% of places in the rest of the courses |
Calendar | The offer will be made public the week before the start of the enrollment period |
(*) The distribution will be according to the center of the specialties
Full-time mode | Part-time mode |
First course: Registration 60 creditsOther courses: Minimum 41 credits Maximum 72 credits (optional) |
All the courses: Minimum 24 credits Maximum 40 credits |
Maximum stay based on the modality | ||
Full-time courses | Part-time courses | Years of permanence |
Tots | 6 | |
Tots | 9 | |
3 | 1 | 7 |
2 | 2 | 8 |
1 | 3 | 9 |
60 ECTS of first year | Minimum credit to overcome | |
Full time | Partial time | |
1r any | 24 | 12 |
2 any | 60 | |
3r any | 60 | |
With an 50% of credits passed in the first year, second course credits can be enrolled in both modalities |
Minimum credits to exceed the rest of the courses | |
Full time | Partial time |
50% of the credits enrolled | 50% of the credits enrolled |
Academic fees of the Secretary for the academic year 2024-2025:
Cost of ECTS credit Specialty INTERPRETATION | €121 |
Cost of subject enrolled in 2ª call or higher Each credit increases a 10%. |
Honors Obtaining an Honor Matriculation (or more) awards students to enrollment in the following year. The students pay the 50% of the credit equivalent to the total number of credits that have obtained this qualification. |
Application for academic records and / or other types of Certificates of studies sealed and signed (includes details of subjects studied, hours of training and / or payments) | €12 |
Application for an academic degree | €150,90 |
Application for the European Title Supplement (SET) | Free |
Certificate (historical) application of sealed and signed teachers (includes details of subjects and number of hours spent and / or payments) | €12 |
Academic management and other services for incoming Mobility students (includes admission procedures, use of the virtual campus and insurance contracting) | €40 |
Academic management of recognition and recognition for validation of ECTS credits of students (includes doing the study, meetings with the specialization heads, classification of documentation, introduction of the information in the platform of the Department of education and participation in their approval) | Free |
Use of cabinets for personal use of students (includes key) | €10 |
Duplicate of the Eolia Card | €1 |
All the information on the scholarships to which students enrolled in any of the two specialties of the Degree can apply at this link:
The recognition (validation) of credits is an academic procedure that can be requested by any student enrolled in Higher Studies.
There are three types of credit acknowledgements:
- Recognition of credits for other studies taken at the EEAS. Through other official and/or approved studies (Degrees and CFGS).
- Recognition of credits by validation: Through artistic or professional experience, work experience or through other non-official studies.
- Recognition of credits for participation activities: Through participation in cultural, sports, student representation, solidarity and cooperation activities.
All the regulations and procedures for your application can be consulted in this document.
Normative Recognition of creditsIn this link you can consult the Table of Recognition of credits for studies taken at the EEE authorized by the center in the last academic years:
Recognition table for Official StudiesTransfer of credits means the inclusion, in the official academic documents certifying the courses followed by each student, of all the credits that, having been obtained in official courses, in higher artistic education centers or in other centers of the European Higher Education Area, have not been counted for the purpose of obtaining the official degree.
The most common transfer of credits is the File Transfer. Eòlia CSAD can admit students who have completed part of their higher studies in dramatic art in another official center of the Spanish State, and wish to complete their studies in our center.
All information about the requirements and the application in this document:
Transfer of creditsOne of the priorities of the center's pedagogical area is to accompany the student at all times in their academic journey. This is why the center has guidance and support tools, of which the PAT (Tutorial Action Plan) is the most important.
Below are described all the actions of what consists of the Tutorial Action Plan (TAP):
Group tutoring at the center | Before the start of the course | 1st year students Director Director of Studies Chief of Academic Secretary Heads of specialty Course tutors |
Online group tutorials for course presentation (advanced courses) | Before the start of the course | 2nd, 3rd and 4th year students Director of Studies Course tutors |
Group tutoring for the presentation of the subject Interpretation practices / staging | At the start of the first year | 1st year students Director of Studies Internship coordinator |
End-of-semester individual tutoring (2 per course) | January and June | Student Tutor |
Continuity survey | March-April | Students Course tutors |
One-on-one tutoring | When appropriate | Student whoever fits |
Day of Coexistence and Participation | Start of second semester (February) | Students Course tutors Heads of department Staff Eolia External collaborations |
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In the welcome group tutoring, which takes place at the beginning of each year with the new students, the director presents the general lines of the school, which are reflected in the Strategic Quality Plan, and makes a point of the level of involvement , commitment and responsibility that these studies involve. The head of studies, the head of the academic secretariat, the heads of specialty and the 1st year tutors are also presented. The head of the secretariat also gives a brief overview of all the centre's support systems. Afterwards, an email is sent to all first year students with a summary of this welcome meeting.
The group tutorials at the beginning of the year for the advanced courses also serve to present the novelties of the strategic plan and at the same time to raise the specifics of each level, the training challenges and the attitudinal strategies to achieve them.
In the end-of-semester individual tutorials, which are mandatory for all students within our Tutorial Action Plan, the goals set at the beginning of the course are followed up, the evaluation of assessment results and the assessment guidance on the particular process of each student.
Also in the second semester, group tutorials are held (continuity survey) in order to inform the students of each year of the decisions they will have to make for the next year. First-year students are informed about the different optional courses for the following year (Cinema and TV, Musical Theater or Stage Direction and Dramaturgy). Second-year students are informed of the third-year English course (option to study subjects in this language) and also of the options for mobility. Third-year students are informed about the particularities of the fourth year, the last, and the requirements for graduation.
In the context of the Coexistence and Participation Day, meetings are scheduled for all the groups with their tutor, with the aim of encouraging group dynamics of reflection and self-knowledge and at the same time strengthening the team spirit among the students. These meetings are considered as compulsory group tutoring.
Apart from all the academic tutoring offered by the centre, both the course tutors and the Head of Studies have a open tutoring agenda throughout the course, which the student can access whenever they need it. These tutorials are used to attend to the needs of the student at all times, whether at a pedagogical, emotional or academic level.
The language project of Eòlia CSAD collects the reflection on how the use of the different languages intervene in a transversal way in the different areas of the communication processes throughout the center and at all levels.
Eòlia was born in 1999 as a Catalan school with a more local scope. And it has been developing into the field of higher studies with an internationalizing vocation. Therefore, the journey of the language project has also evolved with the pedagogical project itself depending on the evolution of the profiles of the students to whom the studies are aimed, and depending on their professional development goals.
Center language projectAt Eòlia CSAD we do not believe in monolithic protocols that uniform students. That's why we study all the variables to guarantee equal opportunities and attention to diversity, paying special attention to protecting fair treatment and avoiding possible comparative grievances. In the same way, we take special care and sensitivity with all students who manifest any diagnosed problems or other particularities.
In the attached document you can consult the protocol followed by the pedagogical and academic coordination of the center to attend to students with SEN (Special Educational Needs):
Attention to diversity and Special Educational Needs (SEN)External practice is aimed at completing the knowledge and skills of the students acquired in the academic field by giving them an idea of the reality of the productive world in order to focus their professional future project, while also improving it his possibilities of labor insertion.
External internships in the specialty of Performing Direction and Dramaturgy are based, above all, on the practice of companies and / or companies related to the world of the show. This collaboration will be, according to the student profile and according to the criterion of the center, in tasks related to direction aids, management assistance, dramaturgy, or production assistance, or in any other role where it is understood that Students can put their skills into practice and continue to train their eyes as part of a professional creation team.
The specialty of Interpretation does not contemplate the realization of external practices throughout the race. The reasons are diverse: The studies of this specialty already have a high component of practical work, both guided and independent, in the course of the compulsory credits of the specialty. In this field, two subjects stand out: "Interpretation Systems" or "Practices of Interpretation". "Interpretation Systems" already has a high practical incidence guided by the teacher where most of the hours are face-to-face, and represents one of the main disciplines with a higher impact on learning, training and motivation for the student . On the other hand, "Practices of Interpretation" is key in the development of the students in the medium and long term, and is very original with respect to the exposition of how the practices are related to his process of formation.
The "Interpretation Practices" are, in some way, the axis on which the whole career revolves. The student is already in contact with the profession throughout the entire career (8 semesters / 4 years). The high incidence of teachers active in the professional world during all the studies in Eolia makes it somewhat redundant to insert the student into a professional environment.
The Final Degree Project (TFG) - in this case in the 4th year - would already have the implicit pedagogical function of an external professional practice, since the center puts students in association with a stage director and an author/ professional playwrights, and gives them the means to carry out an original production completely autonomously with a group of students. Putting young actors in the hands of producers at zero cost to take the place of young actors who might have their first employment contract does not seem ethical or appropriate to us.
We think of a comparative grievance in the sphere of the sector at the union level. And that certain actors are assumed in a production "in practice" simply because they do not cover, and in exchange they are left to others outside because they generate a cost, it does not seem to us legitimate or proper to improve working conditions of the profession. An "internship" actor is already ideally prepared to work as a professional, and if he is not, he can not be a student "actor or actress in practice," because the professional requirement before the public in the world of the show it forces it to an excellence that can not escape; and which will depend on the final quality of the whole of the professional project where it could be inserted.
Diffusion, duration, schedules and timing
The offer of external practices will be disseminated by the center in accordance with the criteria established. Eolia will provide the necessary resources in order to publicize the offers of practices through their own informative channels. Students will also be able to receive offers of external internships from companies or companies through other channels of dissemination, as long as they conform to the processes and criteria of the subject and the school and the quality standards established by the Department of Education 'Education of the Generalitat of Catalonia.
Its timing will, necessarily, pass through the following stages:
- Planning of the practices External before the start of the same, depending on the student's profile.
- Validation of the work center in accordance with the regulations established by the quality assurance systems.
- Assignment of a practice tutor external to the center of destination which will work in the student's follow-up and in coordination with the coordinator of external practices of Eolia.
- Tracking of the external practices: through control and guarantee instruments established, with the frequency and tutoring personnel necessary for the optimum operation.
- Evaluation of the external practices: after the realization of the practices, in accordance with the established procedures.
Guide for the subject External practices [Download pdf]
The TFG (Final Degree Project) is a subject of 15 ECTS credits, compulsory in the fourth year of the specialties INTERPRETATION and STAGE DIRECTION AND DRAMATURGY, which means the completion of the studies and demonstrates the professional skills achieved by the students along the course of the your training With the TFG, students are expected to demonstrate autonomy and ability to integrate all the knowledge acquired through their development as artists.
The TFG for the Interpretation specialty is a joint creation written and directed by one or more professionals specialized in scenic creation.
The TFG for the stage direction specialty can be carried out in different ways, and has a structure organized in three phases: decision phase, academic phase and professionalization phase. Due to its complexity, it has a specific guide with all the information for its implementation.
Guide to the Final Degree Project (TFG), esp. Interpretation [Download pdf]
Final Degree Work Guide (TFG), esp. Stage direction and dramaturgy [Download pdf]
Students who pass the regular studies of Eolia CSAD will obtain the Degree in Higher Artistic Education in Dramatic Art, which is included for all purposes in level 2 of the Spanish Framework of Qualifications for Higher Education and is equivalent to the university degree (Organic Law 8/2013, of December 9, for the improvement of educational quality , section 43 – BOE No. 295, December 10, 2013, page 97892).
In order to be able to apply for the academic degree, students must have completed the 240 ECTS credits of the study plan, and appear in the final assessment report that is published at the end of each year, in the last week of july
More information on the degree application process in this document:
Application for an academic degreeEUROPEAN SUPPLEMENT TO THE TITLE (SEVEN):
In order to promote the mobility of Spanish students and graduates in the European Higher Education Area, educational administrations must issue, along with the degree, the European Title Supplement (SET), in accordance with the characteristics determined by regulation.
The European Supplement to the Degree is the document that accompanies each of the higher education degrees of an official nature and valid throughout the national territory, with unified information, personalized for each higher degree holder, about the studies completed, the results obtained, the professional skills acquired and the level of their qualification in the national higher education system. In Catalonia, the academic data included in the SET will appear in the following three languages: Catalan, Spanish and English.
For the issuance of the SET provided for in article 18 of Royal Decree 1614/2009, of October 26, and the single article of Royal Decree 197/2015, of March 23, the centers must follow the instructions that, for this purpose, must be established by the Department of Education.
In the case of not having completed the studies leading to the official title of validity throughout the state territory, the issuance of the European Title Supplement, but only a certification of studies with the contents that come from the model of the SET.
The Department of Education of Catalonia is still in design phase of the SET format for Higher Artistic Education, so Eòlia CSAD we are waiting for its guidelines. Therefore, for now this document is not issued to graduates in Higher Artistic Education.
The latest resolution of the Department of Education on foreign language accreditation is Resolution ENS/62/2016, of January 15.
In this resolution it is stated as a requirement for the issuance of the degree, for students who started higher education in the academic year 2016-2017 and later, that on the date of the degree application the student accredits at least the B2 level of the MECR, of some foreign language.
Even so, in 2021 the Central Government canceled the requirement to accredit a B2 level in a foreign language in higher studies and ruled that it was up to each center to decide its policy on accreditation. As a result of this decision, the Department of Education transferred this responsibility to the centers that provide higher artistic education.
Eòlia CSAD chose not to require the official accreditation of the B2 qualification from its students, but in order to improve their English proficiency, from the academic year 2022-23 it was decided that in the third year, the TRAINING subjects BODY 3 and BODY TRAINING 4 of the Interpretation specialty would be taught in English in all groups.
In addition, the center already encourages the use of a foreign language thanks to the line in English offered in the 3rd year, where up to 8 subjects have specific groups that are taught in this language. Approximately 12 students take this line, and by the center these students are already accredited at the level of language proficiency. We also consider accredited all those students who have done mobility abroad.
Even so, before graduation, the center consults all students with the right to a degree and requests the document certifying foreign language proficiency. Either an official accreditation or some other certificate that proves a certain level in a foreign language.
This consultation is also done at the time of registration for the entrance exams and some of the applicants already send the official accreditation at this time.
In order to check the equivalence of the language certificates provided by the students, the Resolution ENS/1477/2015, of June 25, of the accreditation of competence in foreign languages in the field of the Department of Education.
Mobility for EÒLIA CSAD students. More information on this link:
Eòlia offers students different services: card with discounts on theaters, casting area, library, printer, youth housing, etc.
More information on this link:
Higher artistic courses have been part of the European Higher Education Area since the 2010-2011 academic year. Since 2012, EÒLIA CSAD has been an authorized center to teach Higher Education in Dramatic Art.
The Agency for the Quality of the University System (AQU Catalunya), commissioned by the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya and through the AUDIT-EAS program, is responsible for the verification, monitoring, modification and accreditation of higher artistic education, from the year 2012.
More information on this link: