The Odyssey Scholarship is part of the Aeolian i R&D Creation Spaces project together with the Aeolian Theater and with the collaboration of Barcelona City Council through the Barcelona Institute of Culture. Its main objective is to support emerging companies in the country for the creation, dissemination and exhibition of their new shows.

Thus, the Aeolian Aeolian R&D Scholarship aims to provide a space for rehearsal and experimentation where to test and develop the theatrical languages ​​of these companies. The commitment and will of Aeolian R&D is to consolidate a dynamic and constantly improving space for young performing arts companies.

In this 2022 edition a theatrical project will be selected which will receive:

Production aid and exhibition of € 5.500.
Artistic residency in the Aeolian Creation R&D Spaces.
Technical residency at the Aeolian Theater.
First public presentation of the project at the Teatre Eòlia.

Rules and registration at:

Winning work 2022:

'SONGS THAT END IN FADE OUT', a project by the Wisconsin company La Copla.

A performative and sung conference on feminism and sexual dissent in the music of the Spanish Transition.

From 30/11/22 to 04/12/22 al