In the middle of a fictional society, ruled by an outdated aristocracy, four young people who come from dysfunctional backgrounds find themselves in the same house.
Between them they find a certain understanding, and create a small utopian family; a new place to feel safe.
Everything will change when the problems of the external world worsen, and this is reflected in the balance of their own community, reaching to destroy it.
Direction and drama: Elisa Enrech
Performers: Laia Aragall, Oscar Ripollés, Alan Gómez and Judit Rosemary
Assistant director: Laia Aragall
Dramaturgy advisor: Josep Galindo
Community Manager: Laia Simon
Choreography and movement: Xenia Gonzalez
Music: Álvaro López
Acknowledgments: David Borotau, Alexandre Cortés, Guillermo Vernal and Dani-el Pérez