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The 10th promotion of higher artistic studies has graduated. The 671 students of Dramatic Art, Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Assets, Dance, Design and Music were accompanied by dancer Guillermina Coll and Councilor Josep Gonzàlez-Cambray.

An event shared with colleagues from the other #EAS centers in the city: Center Superior de Música Jam Session, Dance Conservatory, ESMUC, ESRBCC, IED Barcelona, ​​Taller de Músics, ESDAPC and LCI Barcelona.

Thanks to the students Sara Font and Esteve Roig, who presented the gala with great professionalism; to student Mario Rebugent, who shared moments of his time in Aeolia; to the faculty and staff of Eòlia; Martí Torras Mayneris and Sara Sors for directing the event; to the promotion godmother Guillermina Coll and Councilor Josep Gonzàlez-Cambray for their encouraging speeches; to the Ministry of Education at Teatre Victòria for welcoming us, and to all the attendees.

And to you, students, congratulations: you've graduated! See you in the theaters!