Voice and Oral Expression

Spoken voice 1

From September 30 to June 20, 2025

Thursday 9am – 11am with Oriol Guinart and Salva Soler
Thursday 11am – 13pm with Salva Soler and Oriol Guinart

In the first semester of the course, we will work on awareness of the body and breathing to identify the blockages that prevent the voice channel from being open and free. We will begin to identify tools to project the voice and apply it to improvisational texts and exercises.

In the second semester, we will focus on the projection of the voice when interpreting theatrical texts, and we will place special emphasis on articulation and vocalization. We will work with both contemporary and classic texts.

Catalan dictionary

From September 16 to February 07, 2025

Monday 11am – 12.30pm with Àngels Sánchez. Start 30/09
Wednesday 17.30pm – 19pm with Oriol Guinart
Friday 9.30am – 11am with Oriol Guinart

From 10 from February to 20 in June of 2025

Monday 9.30am – 11am with Berta Giraut
Tuesday 9.30 – 11am with Berta Giraut
Thursday 17.30pm – 19pm with Salva Soler

Specific Catalan diction work will be done, identifying the vowel and consonant sounds of standard Catalan.

The concepts of punctuation and intonation applied to interpretative texts in front of the camera will also be addressed.

Spanish dictionary

From September 30 to February 14, 2025

Monday 9.30am – 11am with Jaime C. Segura
Tuesday 9.30am – 11am with Jaime C. Segura. Start 17/09
Thursday 17.30pm – 19pm with Jaime C. Segura

From 10 from February to 20 in June of 2025

Monday 11am – 12.30am with Jaime C. Segura
Wednesday 17.30am – 19am with Jaime C. Segura
Friday 9.30am – 11am with Jaime C. Segura

Specific Spanish diction work will be done, identifying the vowel and consonant sounds of the language itself.

The concepts of punctuation and intonation applied to interpretive theatrical or cinematographic texts will also be addressed.

Spoken voice 2 – Dramatized reading

From September 19 to June 19, 2025

Thursday 11am – 13pm with Miriam Marcet and Salva Soler

The aim of this course is, fundamentally, to provide a comprehensive training of the spoken voice focused on theatrical texts. The practical application of the technique will focus on the genre of dramatized reading. We will give the necessary tools to face a theatrical text: structural and content understanding work, emotional connection and communication of the same text; and on the other hand, we will understand and learn to develop in the specific elements of the dramatized reading as a concrete tool for the performer: learning to give life to the characters from the role and at the same time, to make the role disappear in the eyes of the public by using the images and emotions of the theatrical text.


Miriam Marcet voice

Miriam Marcet CV

Angels Sanchez Music and Singing

Àngels Sánchez CV

Jaime C. Segura voice

Jaime C. Segura CV

Salva Soler CV