EOLIA Superior Center for Dramatic Art

EOLICA Higher Center of Dramatic Art is a private center founded in Barcelona in 2000 and is associated with theater companies Tricicle i Dagoll Dagom; and since 2012 (coinciding with its official recognition as a School of Dramatic Art) also with the company Galilei Project.

Eòlia CSAD's training includes techniques and working styles that are constantly renewed to help the student to give a solid and professional basis to his artistic vocation, and has a teaching team made up of, mostly, show professionals , active and high level.

EOLIA, as an accredited Center of Higher Education, it has been a member since 2015 of ACESEA, (Spanish Association of Higher Centers of Art Education).

The center's main objectives are to be a training tool that serves students to discover and/or strengthen their artistic identity, strengthen their intellectual background that makes them multi-purpose artists (with depth, critics and with an independent capacity for reflection), and at the same time wants to build professional bridges to be facilitators and continue to provide tools and opportunities once the studies are over. In short, the aim of our training is to provide tools to enhance the actor's creativity and, from the first year, we give the opportunity to be part of creative processes and theatrical shows.

Associated Companies and Theatres

Since its inception, EÒLIA has collaborated closely and continuously with the teams of the Teatre Poliorama. She has been a manager and programmer since the inauguration of the new headquarters (2012) of Eòlia Theater, theater space where a professional program coexists with the center's own academic activities. The Eòlia Theater is part of the network of professional local theater theaters in Barcelona (www.oneltheatrebatega.cat), and ADETCA (Association of Theater Companies of Catalonia, www.adetca.cat).

The school also has a production company with the aim of helping postgraduates in their professionalisation,  and with some Creation spaces open to the public to encourage the formation of new companies with innovative projects, for which it receives support from Barcelona City Council and of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Logo Tricycle
Dagoll Dagom_logo
Galilei_logo project

Agreements and Collaborations

EÒLIA collaborates systematically and periodically with the Faculty of Communication and International Relations Blanquerna (Ramon Llull University), as well as with the center ITES, Technical School of Image and Sound Training Cycles, when establishing collaborations of interpretation students in camera practices. We also have an agreement with theEMAV, School of Audiovisual Media Barcelona, as in many theaters where students of stage direction and dramaturgy carry out external practices.

In the 2014 year, the European Commission granted our center Erasmus Charter for Higher Education of International Mobility in order to enable our students to complement their studies in other European centers. At the same time, international exchange agreements for students with a higher degree have been established with the University of Illinois to Chicago(USA) and the Rose Bruford College (London, United Kingdom).

EOLIA CSAD is a partner ofACESEA (Spanish Association of Higher Centers of Artistic Education). Finally, our center receives control and support relating to Quality excellence from theAQU (Agency for the Quality of the University System of Catalonia).

Tool - University Center Fundació Eina - Barceloneta Art Design
ESMAE OPORTO - Superior School of Music and Performing Arts
Accademia Silvio d'Amico
Logo - La Salle Barceloneta

Inauguration of the Higher School

EOLIA CSAD, with the name of NOVA EÒLIA SL, is a limited company of Fortià Viñas, Rosa Galindo, Joan Lluís Bozzo, Miquel Periel, Anna Rosa Cisquella, Joan Gràcia, Paco Mir, Carles Sans, Josep Galindo and Pablo Ley.

A little history…