At Eòlia CSAD we accept foreign students of all nationalities, as long as they have a suitable profile for our studies in dramatic art. Depending on your level of academic training and the languages ​​you speak, you can access different types of training:

If you want to train in interpretation at our school, you can access our English language course that we offer in the 3rd year of our higher studies.

To be accepted into this program, you must have at least 2 academic years completed in an official school or university in Dramatic Art (BA or BFA, Higher Degree, University Degree). If the school is not official, your training and artistic experience will be valued.

Under no circumstances will people who have no training in interpretation be admitted to this program.

You have all the information about the course programme, access requirements and academic fees in the Guide EOLIA ACTING PROGRAM FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS

If you do not have Spanish nationality, you also have the right to access our 4-year EAS Degree in Dramatic Art. You can opt for the specialty of Interpretation or that of stage direction and dramaturgy.

Access must be done as the rest of the candidates to occupy a first grade place. It is essential to have the approved baccalaureate (official studies of your country up to 18 years) and to pass the test of access to our center that is held in June.

Is the Catalan language necessary? To access the Interpreting specialty, yes, since in the Community of Catalonia we have two official languages, and according to regulations of the Department of Education in official studies, our students must obtain educational skills in both languages. We do not ask that you have perfect diction at the time of access, but you will have to defend a monologue in Catalan.

In the case of the specialty of Performing Direction and Dramaturgy, Catalan is not essential to speak.

What you have to keep in mind is that the registration period for entrance examinations takes place from April to June, and access tests are in person and are carried out at our school the second fortnight of June. You can not access these official studies by any other means.

STUDIES INFORMATION: You can find all the information about the subjects, the entrance test, the prices and the scholarships on our website:

STUDIES VISA: The school will provide the interested party with a letter of acceptance for the higher education entrance exam once the fees corresponding to the exam (€185) have been paid.

HIGH SCHOOL HOMOLOGATION: For international students, it will be essential that you have your high school diploma approved by the Department of Education in Barcelona. In order to start the process, you must be resident in Barcelona. You will not be able to enroll in the first year if you have not started the high school approval procedures. More information on the approval process at: Homologation

The non-official training programs (Free Degree) are also open to international students, but they are studies that are not registered in the Spanish Ministry of Education. The advantage they have is that you are not obligated to do all the complete training, you can take the years you need and the subjects that interest you most.

In this training, it is not necessary to speak Catalan, but Spanish. We do not offer English lessons in free training. No scholarships are also offered in these unofficial studies.

Access to free training is done between May and September, and classes begin in October. It is not necessary to demonstrate official studies, but it is necessary to make a small hearing so that we can know your profile and your acting level.

STUDIES INFORMATION: You can find all the information about the training plans, the access test and the prices on our website:

STUDIES VISA: The school will provide the interested party with a letter of acceptance to the first year of training once the course registration fees (€200) have been paid. The interested party will also need to send his artistic curriculum and a copy of the Passport to

If you have already completed a complete training at another school or college of dramatic art and you want to extend your knowledge, you have the option of making a tailor made plan with the different subjects that we offer in our free training.

The new techniques that you can acquire in our center are:

  • Actress Daulte training.
  • Vocal training Fitzmaurice Voicework.
  • Training voice spoken and sung Estill Voice Training.
  • Actoral training in front of the camera.
  • Modules of theatrical pedagogy.

Depending on your interests, we will make a tailor-made plan and an annual cost of tuition. The final offer of the subjects will be specified once the student arrives in Barcelona and auditions with the center's director. Access is open throughout the academic year.

STUDIES VISA: The school will provide the interested party with a letter of acceptance for one year of studies once the course registration fees (€200) have been paid. The interested party will also need to send his artistic curriculum and a copy of the Passport to

The Musician's Workshop and Eòlia, Higher Center for Dramatic Art, collaborate to create the Master's in Musical Theater Creation. This master's degree offers performers, composers, directors and playwrights the possibility of deepening the techniques that connect music and theatre, while investigating the theoretical and structural mechanisms of the genre.
The master's degree is taught by active professionals in the sector and is conducted in Catalan.
The master's degree can be taken in full or in part, and the possibility of participating in it through international mobility can be explored.

Course 2024-2025

On February 4th we welcomed exchange students from UIC Theater Music in Chicago, Rose Bruford University in London and DAMU Theater faculty of Academy of Performing Arts in Prague!

Welcome Austin, Bea, Emma, ​​Grace, Katie, Millie, Molly and Viktoriia!

Course 2023-2024

This year we once again have the pleasure of welcoming to Eòlia 8 exchange students from the UIC School of Theater and Music in Chicago and Rose Bruford College in London, who will take the 3rd year English course in EAS Degree in Dramatic Art, specialization in Interpretation. February 2024.
We are so excited for you to discover Barcelona, ​​to fully enjoy this new experience, and to make lifelong friendships!

February 15th at noon was beautiful because we met the students of Eolia with the exchange students coming from the UIC School of Theater and Music in Chicago and Rose Bruford College in London. We met and shared a great time.

Course 2022-2023

This year we once again have the pleasure of welcoming to Eòlia 8 exchange students from the UIC School of Theater and Music in Chicago and Rose Bruford College in London, who will take the 3rd year English course of the EAS Degree Dramatic Art, specialty of Interpretation. February 2023.
Hope you enjoy your stay in Barcelona! Now it's time for you to learn, make friends and have fun!

Course 2021-2022

This year we have welcomed the international mobility students of the UIC School of Theater and Music in Chicago: Aranza Alvarado, Kaylah Crosby, Adam Lawdan, Kevin Ross and Yourtana Sulaiman and the Conservatoire Royal de Liège in Belgium: Jeanne Berger and Josépha Sini , who are doing the line in English of 3rd year of the Degree in EAS of Dramatic Art specialty of Interpretation.

And on February 4th we welcomed 4 exchange students from Rose Bruford College London: James Severn, Kimberly Billing Mortensen, Baillie Dobson and Phoebe Hardman.

Course 2020-2021

On February 4, 2021 we welcomed half of the international students who will join our Higher Studies program in the English Interpretation Specialty in the spring of 2021, from Rose Bruford College (London) .

Erik Nordebrink, Peppe J. Russo, Adrianna Paniak and Jonathan Cuenot.

Course 2019-2020

On February 11, 2020 at Aeolian School of Dramatic Art we welcomed the International Mobility students of the UIC School of Theater and Music and the students of the Eramus + program of Rose Bruford College. Welcome!

Course 2018-2019 

On February 12, 2019 we welcomed the students of international mobility of Rose Bruford College and UIC School of Theater and Music who during this 2nd semester of the course, join the students of 3rd of Aeolian School Superior of Dramatic Art. Welcome to Aeolian.

Course 2017-2018 

Images of the students of School of Theater and Music, University of Illinois (Chicago, USA)Rose Bruford College en Esad's Open Classrooms specializing in Interpretation.

6 February 2018 we welcomed the students of ERASMUS de Rose Bruford College i University of Illinois at Chicago who will pursue their higher studies in dramatic art at Aeolian School of Dramatic Art during this semester! Welcome !!!

The Eòlia CSAD facilities are located in the center of Barcelona, ​​in the Eixample district. Unfortunately, the center does not have a specific campus with accommodation for its students.

However, Eòlia CSAD has signed different collaboration contracts with various platforms that facilitate the search for cheap accommodation in the city (flats and rooms), and in addition offer discounts in the rental procedures.

Apart from this, discounts are also offered with student residences close to our centre.

You will find the different options and platforms available here:

IMPORTANT! If you do not speak Spanish, you cannot take all higher education (official program) or free studies.

Access guide for international students

Download here the access guide for international students with previous training in interpretation