Theatrical adaptation of the short novel written by Franz Kafka in 1915. One morning, Gregor Samsa, a young merchant, wakes up suddenly transformed into a huge insect. The story deals with the difficulty of adjusting to this new state for himself and his family.
Why did they kill that cockroach? What did Gregor Samsa do wrong? In the bedroom where this being wakes up, we want to celebrate a kind of religious ritual, a political assembly that vindicates the rights of the cockroaches, a reproduction of the causes of the crime and an autopsy. Because we have multiplied. Because that was unfair. Because we are all a little Gregor Samsa.
29/01/23 i 30/01/23
Sunday and Monday at 20pmReserve your ticket to
Dramaturgical adaptation and direction: Àlex Mañas
Based on the novel by Franz Kafka
Performers: Mònica Balsells, Duna Gamundí, Sara Font, Carla Griñó, Àlex Llopis, Anna Manyà, Helena Martínez, Lidia Robla, Lu Sánchez, Laura Vila Plaza
Scenery and costumes: Spicy Sisters aka Natalia Jiménez and Pol de la Rosa
Musical advice: Anna Manyà
Audition 2023 of Eòlia EAS