
Wind power and + D it is a nursery of projects from different perspectives, and the Creation Spaces accommodate many projects linked or not to the academic center that need a space to rehearse, experiment, test and develop their language.

We support companies inside and outside the academic center through the assignment of Creation Spaces.

Our research and development project has an infrastructure that allows us to host companies in their process of creation.

THER&D space, located at 25 Bailèn Street in Barcelona, ​​has a 300 m² facility, divided into four spaces: an 85 m² rehearsal room and three support spaces that can be articulated in its use.

The creative spaces, apart from being the headquarters of Teatre Eòlia Produccions' productions, are a nursery for new dramaturgies, new projects and new companies, they host residencies of external companies via public call, and link their projects to Teatre Eòlia.

For the Creation Spaces Eòlia i + D companies and artists such as Marc Martínez, Helena Tornero, Àlex Mañas, Mone Teruel, among others, have passed by, along with a large number of emerging companies that end up exhibiting in Mostra format or as a professional program of the Teatre Eòlia. On other occasions, the proposals that come out of our Creation Spaces feed other exhibition spaces in the City, such as the Escenari Brossa, Teatre Lliure, Teatre Gaudí, Sala Versus Glòries, Almeria Teatre, El Maldà, and Tantarantana, among others.

Logos for posters

.Images of the spaces

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