Course 2024-2025
1 interpretation

Group cohesion work and active listening training, based on different dynamics that will promote the value of commitment, the need to be vulnerable, trust in others, emotional ductility and the importance of bets
Teachers: Rosa May, Carme Poll and Carla Torres
From September 30 to June 20
Available times:
Tuesday and Friday from 11am to 14pm
Monday and Wednesday from 16am to 19am
Monday and Wednesday from 19am to 22am
Daulte training

Acting training aimed primarily at actors or interested people with a certain background. The Daulte Procedure, created by Argentinian director Javier Daulte, is based on the actor's emotional training based on well-defined improvisations.
Teachers: Nil Martín, Carme Poll and Marc Ribera
From September 16 to December 5
Available times:
Monday from 11 a.m. to 14 p.m.
Thursday from 17h to 20h
Contemporary creation workshop

The Contemporary Creation Workshop is eminently practical and its main purpose is to connect the performing arts student with the professional world.
The students will immerse themselves in the process of creating an original work by a professional playwright/director, tailor-made for the members of the team, and which will be performed for a week as part of the program of the Eòlia Theater (June 2025).
Once premiered, it will look to fit into the programming context of one of Barcelona's professional theaters.
Apart from the specific dramaturgy and rehearsal sessions, the Workshop will have some first Daulte and Clown acting training sessions. Vocal and body work advisors are also incorporated during the creative process.
Dramaturgy and workshop director: Davo Marín
Daulte training: Marc Ribera
Clown: Arnau Marín
From September 16 to June 15
Available times:
Tuesday and Friday from 11am to 14pm