1 interpretation

Group cohesion work and active listening training, based on different dynamics that will promote the value of commitment, the need to be vulnerable, trust in others, emotional ductility and the importance of bets

Teachers: Rosa May, Carme Poll and Carla Torres

From October 2 to June 21, 2024

Available times:
Tuesday and Friday 11 a.m. to 14 p.m.
Monday and Wednesday 19pm to 22pm

First term: Work on group cohesion and active listening training, based on different dynamics that will promote the value of commitment, the need to be vulnerable, trust in others, emotional ductility and the importance of bets. Accompanying process of the creative act: the performance, understood as a free and individual theatrical action, which will be performed in front of the public at the end of the semester. Both parts fuse learning with the work “movement as a motor” from viewpoints, which help to exercise conscious being and listening with the whole body and allow us to surprise, contradict and the unpredictable.

Second term: Work more focused on the process of character creation and the work of scenes and monologues from texts by contemporary playwrights. This allows us to delve into the goal and the conflict, in the creation of a concrete imaginary within fiction, in the concepts of space and time, in the game and the search for the meaning of the text, in the different languages ​​and codes. theatrical and in staging. A job that requires demand, responsibility and commitment to the other and that gives meaning to all the learning of the course.

You must pass a level test

Teachers: Rosa May, Carme Poll and Carla Torres

Daulte training

Acting training aimed primarily at actors or interested people with a certain background. The Daulte Procedure, created by Argentinian director Javier Daulte, is based on the actor's emotional training based on well-defined improvisations.

Teachers: Marià Llop and Marc Ribera 

From February 19 to April 5, 2024

Morning group:
Monday and Wednesday from 11am to 14pm
Wednesday and Friday from 11 a.m. to 14 p.m

Afternoon group:
Tuesday and Thursday from 19pm to 22pm

Acting training aimed primarily at actors or people with a certain background.

The Daulte Procedure, created by Argentine director Javier Daulte, is based on the actor's emotional training based on very well-defined improvisations.

The approach of these improvisations is based on the explanation of the argument, concretization of the rules of the game and the inescapable implication of the commitment of the actor.

Prior training in interpretation must be demonstrated

Contemporary creation workshop

The Contemporary Creation Workshop consists of immersing oneself in the practical process of creating an original work by the hand of a creator made to measure by the members of the team; and that it will be performed 4 days in the Eòlia Theater program at the beginning of July 2024.

From September 18 to June 30, 2024

Available times:

Mornings: Tuesday and Thursday from 10am to 14pm with Lali Álvarez
Afternoons: Monday and Wednesday from 18pm to 22pm with Josep Julien

The Contemporary Creation Workshop consists of immersing oneself in the practical process of creating an original work by the hand of a creator made to measure by the members of the team; and that it will be performed for 4 days as part of the Teatre Eòlia program at the end of June or the beginning of July 2023.

After four weeks of acting training with the group, the creation process begins with the workshop manager, to define the project, based on the research and creation of textual, visual content, and original practical work in the rehearsal room

The process gives participants the opportunity to be part of a creation process from the beginning to the public presentation of the project. And it will end up appearing in the Eòlia Theater program at the end of Season 22-23 within the Emergents cycle, which is both an incubator for companies and a platform for the professional world.

Access test:
In order to access this workshop, it is necessary to send the artistic CV (training and/or professional experience) and take an access test between September 1 and 16. Groups have a maximum of 10 members. The entrance exam consists of presenting a free contemporary theater monologue of between 3 and 4 minutes. You need to make an appointment in order to take the access test by sending an email to eolia@eolia.cat


Lali Alvarez CV

Joseph Julien CV

Marià Llop CV

Rosa May CV

Carme Poll CV

Marc Ribera CV

Carla Torres CV