El Preparatory course CSAD Wind Power Engineering it is an academic year of training, within our own degree, with 6 practical subjects linked to theatrical interpretation. It is a training indicated for students who want to prepare in depth for the access tests for the official Degree in Dramatic Art offered by Eòlia and the Institut del Teatre. It is also the course that we offer as an alternative to applicants who have taken the official entrance exams at one of the two centers and have not obtained a place.
The course includes 3 of the training blocks of our free degree:
- The Basic training block, which has 6 hours of Interpretation and 3 hours of physical work. There are 2 class days per week.
- El Theater elective block, which has 2 hours of Spoken Voice and 2 hours of Dramaturgy. In the Dramaturgy subject, theatrical texts are read and analyzed, which will be used for the theoretical test of the Degree tests.
- Another optional block to choose from. It can be the Cinema Block (which has Diction and Camera) or the Singing and Musical Block (which has Vocal Technique and Group Singing Laboratory). It is recommended to choose this block depending on the specialty that the student wants to study in the Degree.
More information in this pdf: UNDERGRADUATE 2024-25