Alumnus Pol Forment stars in "The Devil's Beauty" under the direction and dramaturgy of Pablo Ley, Head of the Stage Direction and Dramaturgy specialtyEolia2024-07-25T14:38:07+02:00
A winter in Mallorca ESAD's students' Final Degree project premieres at Teatre EòliaEolia2024-07-23T14:06:55+02:00
RIP (RAVE IN PEACE) End-of-Graduation project by ESAD's acting students premieres at Teatre EòliaEolia2024-07-25T14:34:38+02:00
"Los hijos perdidos de Dios" by the Company La Casa de Asterión created by alumni of the Degree at the Tantarantana Theatre.Eolia2024-07-26T12:15:19+02:00
GRØNLAND Final Degree Project by Yaiza Peña premieres at Teatro Eòlia with alumni of Eòlia.Eolia2024-07-24T09:51:48+02:00
Article by Enric Ciurans on Queralt Riera (Stage Direction and Dramaturgy student) in Serra d'OR magazine on December 22.Eolia2024-07-26T12:31:11+02:00
Terra baixa (Reconstruction of a crime) by Àngel Guimerà with a version by Pablo Ley, Head of the Stage Direction and Dramaturgy specialty, with student Kathy Sey at the TNC.Eolia2024-07-26T10:26:08+02:00
CABELL KURT WORK IN PROGRESS Final Degree work by Sasha Rossich premieres at the Eòlia Theatre.Eolia2024-07-24T09:53:45+02:00
EL BENEFACTOR Omar Bañón's Final Degree work premieres at Teatro Eòlia with alumni of Eòlia.Eolia2024-07-25T14:24:16+02:00
Carla Torres, student of stage direction and drama and teacher, presents ESTAT DESGRÀCIA at the Teatre Tantarantana.Eolia2024-07-30T11:06:46+02:00