Description of the project

Stage direction
Pere Sagristà-Ollé

Sergi Boix, Enric Boada, Albert Roig, Berta Pipó, Héctor Vidondo, Dídac Rodríguez, Ariadna Camps, Pol de la Rosa, Maria Colom, Núria Mercader, David Aixalà

The love despotic ('Le Dépit amoureux', 1656) is an early work that already contains, as far as carpentry and theater clockwork is concerned, all the wisdom of the author of Tartuf and El Misantrop. Molière is the highest and most universally known representative of the French Neoclassical Comedy of the 17th century. It is written, as could not be otherwise, in 1.796 alexandrine verses.

From 25 to 28 from October of 2018 to the Eòlia Theater