Description of the project

Laia Alberch and Edu Tudela, ex-students of Lliure, and Norbert Martínez, ex-student of Lliure and ex-teacher of Eòlia, in "Winnipeg, Neruda's boat" at the Poliorama Theatre.

This is how Pablo Neruda referred to what he considered one of his greatest milestones: chartering a ship from France, the Winnipeg, so that more than 2000 refugees from the Spanish Civil War could leave for Chile in search of a new life.

Neruda, appointed by the Chilean government as Special Consul for Spanish Immigration in France, and also counting on the complicity of the then Minister of Foreign Relations of Chile, Abraham Ortega, carried out this mission, which was achieved when the Winnipeg arrived at Valparaiso on September 3, 1939.

This theatrical production aims to be a hymn to freedom and hope, giving voice, from a current perspective, to the history of all these exiles who call themselves "Neruda's children", while retrieving a historical fact that , unlike others of its kind, seems to have been left floating, lost, in the fragile Spanish memory.

The journey of the Winnipeg is part of our country's silent history. The risk that this silence becomes oblivion or, even worse, misrepresentation, is everyone's business.

Winnipeg begins with darkness, horror and human cruelty but ends up lighting a path where hope for a better world is possible.

From January 9 to 23 at the Poliorama Theatre.
