Description of the project

Club Venus, a play directed by stage and drama director David Borotau, and starring Berta Bähr, Jan Zawisza (alumni), David Borotau, Blanca Garcia-Lladó and Adrian Macias that will premiere on Friday 18 September at the room Nau Ivanow.
📌September 18, 19 and 20 at 20.30 pm
Daniela, a Romanian girl, arrives in Spain deceived by a mafia and is forced into prostitution and living in a club. The pimp makes life impossible for her and to escape the pain and reality, Daniela thinks of her teenage love. At the club he meets Annita, with whom he will embark on a path to maturity, with whom he will speak in a very honest way and with whom he will share joy and pain. We see Daniela arrive at the Venus Club, the one who descends into hell and a spiral of physical and mental degradation, where drugs and violence take sides, and the one who feels compelled to seize and escape to survive. Survive in a society where everything can be traded and where there are a large number of women living in unfair situations.