Description of the project

Stage direction and dramaturgy by Tony Casla (former student of direction of Aeolian School of Dramatic Art) with the interpretation of Sela Conde, Miriam Garcia (former students of interpretation) and Elísabeth Quevedo.

CLOWNS. Premiere in Mexico. Tlaxcala Cuna de Teatro Cunafest AC

Once upon a time a woman.
Once upon a time two daughters.
Once upon a time a dragon.
Once upon a time…

Being a clown is exposing the soul to the cold wind. It is to undress completely before the other so that he can see all the weaknesses we have inside; It is to be able to enjoy failure, sadness, and even death. It is to laugh at one's own misfortune, because even the most honda and gray pain, with a bit of laughter becomes more bearable. -City popular-

Scenic direction and dramaturgy: Tony Casla
Cast: Elísabeth Quevedo, Sela Conde Gutierrez, Miriam Garcia Bartés.
Movement: Fatima Campos Trepat
Original music: Cristina Vallribera Canelles
Sound space: Mattia Rasputin
Scenic space: Xenia Cubí
Illustration Poster: Andrea Monje Garcia
Lighting Design: Conchita Pons
Graphic design: Echedey Santana González
Clothes: Alessandra Azzini
Scene fight and Hip-Hop advice: Sheila Quevedo Cano
Technician: Eric Rufo