Description of the project


La Bàrbara, graduate in History of Art and Interpretation, approaches 30. The life I thought he would have is not the one he has. Now, in order to be able to pay the rent, one finds being a theater teacher. A meeting of parents of students will make you think about how it has become where it is, to what extent their decisions are only theirs and what role they want to play in society.

A reflection with humorous brushstrokes of the so-called 30 years of crisis, of the millennium generation (also called lost). The one to whom we promised to be pompous and nettles have been found.


Text: David Bo
Direction: Elena Sánchez
Assistant Director: David Bo
Barbarian: Berta Pipó
The walls: Enric Boada
Gala: Laia Marí
Original music: lookmomnohands
Scenery and costumes: La Meybes
Stage design construction: Salvador Pipó
Design of lights and sound: Uriel Ireland
Production: Elena Sánchez

A spectacle of La Meybes