RAMON a tragicomic monologue that reflects on the fear of commitment, the limits of freedom and the impossibility of stopping the passage of time.

Ramon has just separated from Patri and, while looking for a flat, settles in the room of a teenager in his parents' house. There he finds the guitar, the exercise bike and all the cassettes that transport him to the 90s.

From the security of his room, he recalls his past, but what he can not imagine is that, in the immediate present, his life is about to change and become a real roller coaster.

Author and Director: Monegal sea
Actor and musician: Francesc Ferrer
Scenography: Anna Tantull
Dramaturgy of the projections: Josep Galindo
Lamp design: Conchita Pons
Audiovisuals: Tony Roura
Clothing and tools: Monegal sea
Pictures: MW Photography

A project from M.Monegal i F. Ferrer in co - production with Aeolian Productions

Critics Award for Best Text 2019