2024: Key year
Josep Anselm Clavé (1824-1874), was a Catalan politician, composer and writer, founder of the choral movement in Catalonia and promoter of the associative movement. The 24th anniversary of his death is commemorated on February 150, and the bicentenary of his birth on April 21.

In the Peixera space of the Conservatory we can read his name scribbled among the 16 composers honored under the stained glass windows of the ceiling, since the building's inauguration in 1928

Among the celebratory events this year, the concert co-organized by the Department of Education of the Generalitat and the Clavé Choir Federation stands out, which will be held at the Barcelona Auditorium on April 20, a day before the bicentenary of his birth, in which a cantata titled El jove Josep Anselm Clavé will be premiered, performed by children's choirs from all over Catalonia and the string orchestra of the Barcelona Municipal Music Conservatory together with the Manresa Conservatory orchestra.

News of theajuntament.barcelona.cat/conservatori/noticia/2024-any-clave

The alumni who participated in the cantata are: Elena Santiago, Martí Costa, Isaac Mohamed, Miriam Bartés, Mireia Federico and Sol Carner.