From 4 to 7 October 2018

From Thursday to Saturday at 20.30h
Sunday at 18h

A spectacle Alejandro R. Rodríguez, Esad's Final Thesis in Stage Direction and Dramaturgy.

Based on the work of HP Lovecraft

Dramaturgy and direction: Alejandro R. Rodríguez


Judit Costa Bru
Laura Mateu Bermejo
Isaac Mohamed

duration: 85 minuts

Show in Spanish


Cross in the stories, at some point they have really happened. They are the place where the forgotten memories flee. This story began 90 years ago.

Researchers behind the trace left by their predecessors. When will this chain end? This time could be the end?

A professor dies and leaves his studio unfinished, disciples about to give up and the last test box about to fall into oblivion. There is no hope that this will end here. There are truths that it is better to forget and doors that it is better to leave between doors.


Book your ticket in this link or at the school reception in Casp 82.

More information at: Logo teatreolia_RGB



About the original work and the adaptation of the director 

In February, 1928 HP Lovecraft succeeded in publishing "The Call of Cthulhu", an emblematic account of cosmic horror. An investigator after the trail left by his predecessors; A confident and curious young man who believes he can discover the truth. But the path to knowledge is a mined path of incomprehensible gods, stories of crazed witnesses and clues left by other researchers, who were lost irretrievably.

Lovecraft's call takes the witness left by countless dream stories, cosmic horror and science fiction raised by Howard Phillips Lovecraft. A continuation of the investigation of the unknown that leaves a trail of crazed testimonies, inexplicable facts and grotesque idols of inhuman gods.

The dream as a means to cross the world that we see to the cosmos we ignore. The silver key as the tool to transfer the last or the first of many doors to prohibited kingdoms. Madness as the only reward for knowledge. In short: the infinite repetition of the search cycle (in the ashes of an ancestor), investigation, discovery, insanity and testimony to be found by the next generation.

Alejandro R. Rodríguez