On April 20-21-22, the 2nd year high school students of Granés Baccalaureate Performing Arts were able to premiere their academic project "Phaedra, in love with youth fashion" at the Teatre Eòlia.

A play adapted and directed by Davo Marin, Mireia Gubianas and Irene Hernández, the students perform, sing and dance in an adaptation of the text “Banal Sessions of Fedra” by Pau Miró performed by the teachers themselves.

This is a very free version of the classic tragedy of Euripides, set in the Barcelona of the 80's and with music from the “Madrid movement”, where the engine of action is driven by old human passions.

Love, desire, obsession, abandonment, lovelessness and, above all, loneliness, show us a game of crossovers between the characters and their tragedies. A fabric of emotions and misery through the different sides of the same coin. Threads, however, will remain threads, like Phaedra will remain Phaedra.

Congratulations to all and may this be the beginning of a long journey in the world of the performing arts!