From 18 to 21 of October of 2018

From Thursday to Saturday at 20.30h
Sunday at 18h

A show of Jordi Casado, Esad's Final Thesis in Stage Direction and Dramaturgy.

Dramaturgy and direction: Jordi Casado

Performers: Alfons Nieto i Neus Soler
Sound space: Arnau Montserrat
Scenery and Wardrobe: Carlota Masvidal
Lighting: Anna Espunya
Movement: Veri de Morais
Production: Aina Juanetcartel correspondence

A show from the group aTemporal


Write a word.
Read it
Relapse it
Save it
Find it in a drawer.
Teach her
Publish it
Send a word.
Receive a word.
Send it in a letter.
In a letter written by hand.
To machine
Receive it in an e-mail.
In a whatsapp
To Instagram.
In an hashtag
Answer a word.
Corresponding a word.
A word of love.
Correspond a word of love.
Correspond a word of love with love.
Explain a love story.
Of love corresponded.




Book your ticket in this link or at the school reception in Casp 82.

More information at: Logo teatreolia_RGB



Jordi Married colorWhen I finished rewriting (rewriting, not writing) Correspondence I thought I did not want to direct her. What did you want someone else to do? The work I had just signed up meant a mystery so great that I would have preferred to unravel someone else. In fact, when someone asked me "what do you mean by this work?", I responded that "if you knew exactly what I mean, there would have been no need to write a work to say it." But I'll try.

"The lack of distance is killing love."

This, in essence, is the core of the work, and the conceptual basis on which the scenic proposal is articulated at all levels. The danger that supposes the elimination of the distance for the otherness. For the figure of the Other. Without the Other, there can be no love, because love can only be given in the territory that exists Between one person and another. If there is no distance, this territory ceases to exist. This Between It is not there, and without it Between there can be no love. Only narcissism.

Correspondence So, starting from this thesis, it begins to be structured, and it does so inevitably through language. The words that make up the text are placed on themselves, trying to become content and form at the same time, and this is a proposal of the text that has necessarily sedimented in its staging. In the end, Correspondence It is essentially based on two key concepts: One is love. The other communication. This second is intrinsically tied to language. If we can not communicate this love, if we do not know how to convey it, can we say that we love? May this love that we feel exists? The reflection on language as a tool in communication, and especially in the communication of love, is given in this spectacle, therefore, implicitly and explicitly in the text and its poetic: In written language, in verbal language, and in physical language. In this sense, the work with José Sanchis Sinisterra's Reproducible Minimalist Systems (which we have known through the timeless community thanks to the wonderful work of LAminimAL) has been crucial in discovering the physical language of the work, of the characters, and especially when it comes to building the three silences that structure and mark the three parts of the work together with the sound space.

I do not know very well what I mean, with all this, but again, if you know exactly what I want to say, you might not need to write this letter, right? Maybe saying "I love you" would be enough. Maybe if we talked less and would say more, it would be all a bit less opaque and we would not be so scared. And maybe if we were able to see the distance between us, we could start enjoying ourselves a bit more. But maybe I'm a strange author who does not know what he wants to say when he writes, or when he directs. This can also be.

Thank you very much for coming to see us.

Really. Thanks.

Jordi Casado.