From 26 to 30 September of 2018 

Wednesday to Saturday at 18pm and 20pm
Sunday 18h

A show by Andrea Monje, Esad's Final Thesis in stage direction and dramaturgy.

Direction and drama: Andrea Monje

Ana Moreno
Cristina Vallribera
Héctor Vidondo

Assistant director: Omar Bañón
Music: Xavi Quero
Changing room: Amyliss Liddlell
Scenography: Paintings F. Monje, Andrea Monje
Technical engineer: Javier Messeguer
Technician: Andrés Piza


Ameagari is a theatrical installation with video game mechanics. Its interactive history will allow the public to enter the skin of the protagonist; Simón, a hikikomori (person suffering from acute social isolation).

Depending on the different decisions made, it will affect the course of the story and the fate of the characters, being called the butterfly effect. Ameagari has different endings, so each experience is unique. Create your own story, explore memories and discover some hidden truths. Simon will never leave the room. Or maybe YES? ”


Book your ticket in this link or at the school reception in Casp 82.

More information at: Logo teatreolia_RGB



About the Hikikomori and the reason for the show 

The whole idea of ​​this project comes from an article, over 2014, which dealt with the increase in cases of hikikomori in Spain.

"People who suffer from this syndrome are completely removed from society for at least six months and are recruited at home with the objective of avoiding any social commitment, such as education, employment and friendships."

Since my early youth, loneliness and voluntary isolation have always been stagnant in me and it has not been until I have come to "adulthood" when I asked myself: Why am I? Why my generation, the minted ones "Millennials" are we tremendously nostalgic? It is necessary to shell out today's society to understand this confinement, especially among young people. My intention is from the macrocosm to the microcosm. Dissecting the root of the problem, to create a more personal drama, based on one's own or close experiences, trying to give voice to a youth that is despised, that is not understood.

In relation to the term hikikomori, it is much more ankylosed in our sociocultural framework than we think, since many times, the lack of information makes us not realize these cases. It is a pathology, of course, but perhaps the pathology that best speaks of the world we live in: a society that communicates over the Internet buys online, plays online, has sex online ... the hikikomori They are the extreme example that the same medium that brought us closer to the world turned us away from life. Although in the end, only we can be responsible for its use and how it affects us.

Andrea Monje