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Sol Carner and Oriol Burés, former students of Eòlia, in the cast of the musical "El Dia de la Marmota" at the Coliseum Theaterreception2024-12-02T11:21:14+01:00
Paula Malia, Oriol Burés, Víctor G. Casademunt and Berta Peñalver in the cast of the musical Ànima at the TNCreception2024-10-30T15:39:41+01:00
The students of El Planter, Nil Toronjo and Vinyet Morral protagonists of the Info K dedicated to Sea and SkyEolia2024-10-17T18:31:04+02:00
Esteve Roig alumni of the Degree and Eloi Gómez in the cast of Mar i Cel de Dagoll Dagom at Teatre VictòriaEolia2024-07-19T13:52:05+02:00
Mireia Federico, Marina García, Ariadna Montoro, Mireia Obregón and Esteve Roig in "La song de semper" at the Gaudí TheaterEolia2024-07-23T12:47:00+02:00
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