El Adult Procedure, created by Argentine director Javier Daulte, is based on the emotional training of the actor from very well-defined improvisations.
New edition July 2024
De 18.30h a 21.30h
Price: 175 € / 150 € Aeolian students
Individual session: €50 / €40 Aeolian students
Acting training aimed primarily at actresses / actors or people with a certain background.
The approach of these improvisations is based on the explanation of the argument, concretization of the rules of the game and the inescapable implication of the commitment of the actor.
Advanced level (send CV to eolia@eolia.cat)
Carme Poll
She began her training as an actress in 1993 at the Col·legi del Teatre de Barcelona where she graduated. He studied a year of technique and acting at HB Studio in New York. Technique and voice expression at the Institut del teatre de Barcelona.
He holds several seminars with Javier Daulte and Ricardo Bartís in Buenos Aires, as well as with Rafael Spregelburg, Gabriela Izcovich. She has been combining her work as an actress with teaching for years.