Physical exercise is beneficial for mental, spiritual and psychological health.

Some of the notable benefits we get are:

  1. It reduces stress by facilitating the drainage of anxiety and depression by increasing confidence in body image.
  2. It maintains and improves the connection with our body by strengthening the brain's memory center and improving our flexibility.
  3. It produces feel-good hormones
  4. It connects the physical, emotional and spiritual dimension increasing our well-being focused on body intelligence.

GEM (Stress Management through Movement) is an hour-long practice in which you will connect sincerely with yourself and the group by focusing your energy on the subtle language of body intelligence.

You will observe your thinking, your energy and your emotions through the body pattern and manage your internal changes based on the fluidity and pleasure of physical movements in space.

You will develop your full potential by experiencing and opening yourself to new paths and new possibilities of exploration and learning.

You will be the protagonist of your own movement by becoming aware of your blockages and your progress in practice.

Through a one-hour routine, divided into one warm up, movement dynamics (choreographic structure) and one cool down, you will learn to know yourself better and love the woman/man you are.

To heal through movement is to rediscover the great potential that is within you.

You are a gem, don't forget you came here to shine.

Timetable and prices

Pending new dates


ACC (Associate Certified Coach) certified coach by ICF (International Coaching Federation).
Facilitator in personal and team change processes in companies.
Coach of movement and nonverbal language in EOLIA.
Choreographer and dancer: passionate about the perfect combination of body, art and consciousness.
Master in “Management Development, Emotional Intelligence and Coaching” at BUSINESS SCHOOL BCN (2019).
NLP Course (Neuro Linguistic Programming) FOMENT BCN.
Creator of the program "Movement coaching, emotional leadership and change management."