Description of the project
Ex-student Quim Llisorgas explains his life in the play ENTRE TU I JO NO FEM UN EN at the Eòlia Theatre.
The true story of overcoming Quim Llisorgas, a twenty-seven-year-old who has fought against injustice since he was born.
Quim's life is impressive. An example of tenacity and struggle in the face of injustice. After three months, the doctors informed his parents that he would be a vegetable, that dwarf would not be able to stand up or utter a word; I couldn't have a "normal" life.
His mother, l'Estrella, explains that Quim looked at her with wide-awake and playful eyes, wanting to hold on to life and wake up smiles. Each stage was an improvement: in nursery school (he started walking at the age of five), in primary school (he played in the school football team), in ESO (where Quim always followed classes with other "normal" students, with the support of a Special Education Support Unit)...
From 14/12/22 to 15/01/23 al Eòlia Theater
Dramaturgy: Quim Llisorgas Santos, Ester Nadal and Marc Pinyol Gelabert
Direction: Ester Nadal