Description of the project
Emma Arquillué, a former student of the Formació Lliure starring in the play Romeu i Julieta at the Teatre Poliorama, a production of La Brutal.
La Brutal adapts a classic of universal literature to the youngest, Romeo and Juliet. Directed by David Selvas and with dramaturgy by Joan Yago that we already know from his work with La Calòrica, a contemporary and unromantic version of Shakespeare's text.
From June 10 to August 6, 2022 at the Poliorama Theater
A play by William Shakespeare
Translation: Yannick Garcia Porres
Dramaturgy: Joan Yago
Direction: David Selvas
With: Emma Arquillué, Nil Cardoner, Guillem Balart, Anna Barrachina, Albert Baró, Pau Escobar, Adrian Grösser, Xavi Ricart and Andrew Tarbet.