El Campus de las Artes organizes its first International Congress with the title INDISCIPLINES, in order to explore the hybrid territories of artistic research based on practice, with an interest in the dynamics of the academy.

The congress will be held in Barcelona 28 at 30 in November, 2019, the headquarters of the congress are Universitat de Barcelona i the Higher School of Music of Catalonia

With the title INDISCIPLINES, researchers and creators are invited to reflect on the creative ways to make, understand and hybridize research processes in different thematic areas, beyond the traditional paradigms and compartmentalised knowledge fields.

The theme of the congress corresponds to the purposes of Campus de las Artes, a project of collaboration between 20 centers of higher artistic education in Catalonia of which Eolia is part, dedicated to the fields of music, theater, dance, cinema and audiovisual creation, the visual arts, the Design, fashion and conservation and restoration. Campus de les Arts is a platform that has as one of its articulating axes artistic research and related resources, along with the transfer of knowledge.

More information:www.campusdelesarts.org

Download the program at this linkwww.campusdelesarts.org/programa