The Odyssey Scholarship is part of the Aeolian i R&D Creation Spaces project together with the Aeolian Theater and with the collaboration of Barcelona City Council through the Barcelona Institute of Culture. Its main objective is to support emerging companies in the country for the creation, dissemination and exhibition of their new shows.
Therefore, the Odisseu Eòlia i+D Scholarship wants to provide a rehearsal and experimentation space where these companies can test and develop their own scenic languages. The commitment and will of Eòlia i+D is to consolidate a dynamic and constantly improving space for young performing arts companies.
In this 2024 edition a project will be selected that will receive:
Rules and registration at: teatreolia.cat/beca-odisseu-eolia-id
Winning work 2024:
The Application Rejected company wins
the Odysseus 2024 Scholarship
The company Application Rejected (“Pà amb tomàquet, el Tomorrow”, “Prelude to the Decomposition”, “UBU REX”) has won the call for the Odisseu éolia i+d 2024 Grant. The winning proposal, which has the provisional title "Festum Majoris" aims to explore the deep roots shared by the towns' major festivals and the origin of the theatre, bringing together communion rituals and collective celebration. In an increasingly individualistic world, he wants to contrast the richness of collaboration that characterizes these concepts with the competition and loneliness that frames today's society. The authorship and dramaturgy of the piece is by Franzina Pegenaute and Laia Aragall Folch; the creative interpretation of Laia Aragall Folch; the artistic direction of Jana Serra Sentinella; and Charlie Mills' direction of Performers.
The jury for this year's Odisseu Scholarship was formed by Anna Espunya, Teresa Sirvent and Laura Manchón as representatives of Eòlia CSAD and Teatre Eòlia; Martí Costa, winner of the 2023 Odisseu Scholarship; and Martí Rossell from Nova Veu. 63 proposals were submitted to the call.
The Odisseu Scholarship The Odisseu Scholarship is part of the Eòlia i+D Creation Spaces project together with the Eòlia Theater and with the collaboration of Barcelona City Council through the Barcelona Culture Institute. Its main objective is to support emerging companies in the country for the creation, dissemination and exhibition of their new shows.
In this 2024 edition, the Application Rejected company will receive:
- A financial aid for the production of €5.500 (taxes included).
- Transfer of rehearsal space to the Eolia i+D Creation Spaces.
- Technical residency at the Aeolian Theater.
- First public presentation of the project at the Teatre Eòlia.