The eleventh promotion of higher artistic studies will graduate on May 27 at the Teatre Victòria in Barcelona.
The students of the specialties of Dramatic Art, Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Assets, Dance, Design and Music.
An event shared with colleagues from the other #EAS centers in the city: Center Superior de Música Jam Session, Dance Conservatory, ESMUC, ESRBCC, IED Barcelona, Taller de Músics, ESDAPC and LCI Barcelona.
The students of the 2020-2024 promotion of the Higher Artistic Education Degree in Dramatic Art of Eòlia CSAD graduated at the Victòria Theater in Barcelona!
An event organized by the Department of Education that was attended by the Hble. Mrs. Anna Simó i Castelló, Minister of Education, from Mr. Marc Sanz Pey, Godfather of the 2020-2024 Promotion, and of the director of Eòlia Josep Galindo.
The artistic direction of the gala was in charge of Martí Torras, teacher at the center. Alba Jubany and Sara Sors, who were graduating that day, were presenter and assistant director, respectively. Imai Adalid talked about his experience during these four years as a student. And the students of the Musical Theater course participated in the musical performance that closed the gala.
Graduates, we wish you the best of luck in your professional future! Come visit us whenever you want!