Eolia International
EOLIA CSAD has as one of its main development goals to establish bridges with schools, universities, theaters and cultural institutions abroad to facilitate the mobility of its students; and also to make possible the arrival of students from other countries to Barcelona.
We think that both linguistic and cultural immersion, as well as the taking of perspective for the student regarding the creative fact and the adoption of other “points of view”, is a very important pedagogical tool of maturation for the young artists, performers and creators in the context of developing their creative skills.
Apart from identifying ourselves fully with the philosophy of Erasmus programs, EOLIA CSAD He also wants to propose other more original and continuous collaborations with other pedagogical programs and the field of performing arts throughout Europe and around the world. We want the synergy between institutions to emerge something more than the opportunity for a student to travel individually to another country in linguistic and cultural immersion.
We want to carry out joint projects of collaboration that will allow us to work in teams and put in contact both our groups of students, our teaching staff and our internal structures with those of other centers, whether they are higher schools, universities or professional companies abroad. The area EÒLIA INTERNATIONAL It aims to make it possible and bring together all the related initiatives EOLIA CSAD which involve the link with other international agents, who can enrich the project with new ideas and with other experiences and bring them closer to our students and to our city.
The students of 3r course of the specialty Interpretation can choose to complete a total of 8 subjects of third year in English:
- 5 interpretation systems
- 6 interpretation systems
- Oral expression and diction 5
- Oral expression and diction 6
- 3 body training
- 4 body training
- 1 camera practice (optional film line)
- Interpretation of 2 songs (optional musical line).
Thus, the center wants to give our students interested in studying and / or working abroad the opportunity to work directly in English, and thus prepare better for mobility at 4t course or at the end of their studies.
They will also have the opportunity to share the classes with the foreign students that will be exchanging Eòlia ESAD in the second semester (between 4-8 students every year), giving them a unique opportunity to learn about other ways of doing theater anywhere. Of the world.
Application: To be able to opt for a place on the English line of 3r, you must request it in the pre-registration form that is passed from academic coordination to the end of 2n course (May). If the student can not demonstrate a certain level of English (official certificate), it will be necessary to do a level test at the end of the course.
You can request more information about the English line at the Study Abroad director (international@eolia.cat).
ERASMUS + is the program approved by the European Commission in the field of education, training, youth and sport. The objectives of the program in the field of education are:
- Support the acquisition of skills (knowledge, skills and aptitudes) of students to improve their personal development and employability.
- Support the professional development of people who work in the field of education, training and youth.
- Improve significantly the linguistic competences of the participants.
- Improve the awareness and understanding of participants in other cultures and countries.
- Improve the capabilities, attractiveness and international dimension of the participating organizations.
- Reinforce the synergies and the transition between formal and non-formal education, vocational training, employability and entrepreneurship.
- Ensure a better recognition of the competences acquired through periods of mobility in another country.
The countries that participate in the program are the 28 member states of the EU plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The entity that manages the Erasmus program in Spain is the Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (SEPIE).
ERASMUS LETTER OF HIGHER EDUCATION 2014-2020 ERASMUS LETTER OF HIGHER EDUCATION 2021-2027The center, by joining this program, wants to add its effort and dedication to the initiatives and the new guidelines integrated within the framework of the European Strategy, established by the European Commission regarding the modernization of the Systems of European Higher Education. EÒLIA CSAD also fully supports the internationalization of European Higher Education.
Therefore, the center wants to become an active and necessary part of this European Area of Higher Education with the aim of:
- Improve the level of our graduates to make them more competent nationally and internationally.
- Contribute to the general improvement of higher artistic studies, contributing our innovative, pedagogical and professional point of view, based on a model that fosters multiculturalism and the internationalization of creative processes.
- Make our project recognized for its vocation to establish synergies of mobility and international cooperation. And to contribute to our higher education a modern identity and open to all frontiers.
- To improve the profile of our center at the level of research and liaison programs for graduate students in the professional world, at a national and international level. And reinforce the knowledge triangle: Education-Research-Innovation.
- Open doors to improve student financing possibilities, and also be able to develop more complex and longer-term projects in the medium and long term, as well as to create more effective mechanisms for governance.
In addition, the center also advocates for:
- An intelligent, sustainable and inclusive growth of European Higher Education.
- An increase of higher degrees in Europe in all areas and levels.
- An improvement in the quality of the development of human capital in Higher Education.
- Improving the knowledge and skills of European Higher Education teachers.
- The deployment of initiatives and tools for evaluating and promoting the employability of its graduates.
- The stimulation of the innovative spirit of students, which allows them to apply their knowledge and experiences in research.
- To contribute to the transparency, the excellence, the diversification and the cooperation between the members of the European Union.
The institutions of higher education in possession of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) are those who can also request assistance for the mobility of students, teachers and staff.
The procedures of the center for agreeing and signing European institutional mobility agreements inevitably result from the following 9 points:
- Prior visits to other EU institutions (and outside the EU) sensitive to the exchange of students through the ERASMUS program.
- Common approaches to objectives and philosophy between the two or more educational establishments.
- Analysis of the possibilities and the interest shown by the respective communities of students.
- Signing of agreements that will include, among others, the number of places and the duration of each mobility.
- Public call of places.
- Collection of applications of the interested students.
- Selection and allocation of places in accordance with established protocols.
- Follow-up of mobility
- Valuation and memory of mobility.
As a starting point, the center has established basic prerequisites when it comes to foreseeing the search and election of international partners that allow it to implement its entire mobility plan.
- The choice of a partner that is a legal entity.
- That the partner be a higher or university education establishment.
- That the member be enrolled in a Member State of the European Union.
- That the partner is directly responsible for the management of the activities with its international collaborating centers.
- And above all, that our partners have a common or complementary work philosophy with that of our center that makes the exchange of students fluid and enriching for all participants.
The center will investigate Erasmus partners with which to sign collaboration agreements for their mobility projects within the region or geographical regions under the administration of the member states of the European Union or, failing that, with states that have signed bilateral agreements of mobility with the European Union.
For now, the two centers with which EÒLIA CSAD has signed a mobility agreement are:
- Rose Bruford College (London), in the Erasmus program.
- University of Chicago - School of Theater & Music (Chicago), outside the Erasmus program.
Commitments have already begun with other schools in Copenhagen, Paris, Italy and Brussels.
Targets: The main objective of Eolia's European and international mobility is based on offering students pedagogical and professional experiences in new cultural contexts that improve their artistic and linguistic capabilities. We understand that immersion in the field of culture and teaching in foreign countries is essential for the maturation of students and an indispensable tool in the consolidation of a modern and future pedagogical project. This idea of mobility is a key element in fostering future potential links between young professionals from different countries and can also boost the creation of new hybrid artistic languages that generate new dramaturgy speeches, new interpretative languages and new perspectives on stage management. The participation of students and academic staff in these programs undoubtedly represents an improvement in the quality of teaching and learning of the participants involved, both because of the individual repercussions of these interventions in the individual, such as for how to redefine the future of the center that hosts them.
Groups: The center will promote the mobility of European students from the 2n cycle (3r and 4t, four of the race) and also in the 3r cycle (postgraduate, master's and doctorate). The center will also promote the European mobility of its academic staff, especially in the areas related to research and development of new scenic languages.
The double degrees: The center is sensitive in the search for European centers of higher education of the Performing Arts that want to share similar objectives with regard to the creation of the double qualifications. And it has as a purpose in the medium and long term to offer also this type of degrees with some of the partners with a project more pedagogically compatible with his.
The ERASMUS program provides for two types of mobility: study and internship. Study mobility must be done in an institution that has the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE). The program provides a minimum duration of 3 months and a maximum of 12 months.
Internship mobility can be done in an institution that has the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) or also in any public or private organization in the field of the labor market or in the education, training and youth, except EU institutions and other bodies, including specialized agencies and organizations managing EU programs, such as National Agencies. The program provides a minimum duration of 2 months and a maximum of 12 months.
Students who have just obtained their degree will also be able to choose to do an internship mobility the year after completing their studies.
Each student can enjoy more than one Erasmus scholarship up to a maximum of 12 months per cycle of studies (degree or equivalent, master's or doctorate degree). The mobility carried out during the PAP 2006 / 13 will be counted.
Students must apply at their home institution. EÒLIA CSAD will carry out the selection of students in accordance with the program guidelines through a fair, transparent, consistent and documented process. Once selected, and before moving, students will receive the Erasmus+ Student Letter.
Before starting the mobility period of studies or internships, the student must sign a financial agreement with his institution of origin that will include a Learning Agreement (LA) that establishes the program studies or internships that you will do at the host institution or company. The LA will include the minimum language level that the student must have at the start of mobility according to the language requirements established by EÒLIA CSAD or what has been agreed with the institution or company.
Once the mobility is over, the host institution or company must issue a certificate confirming the results of the learning agreement. EÒLIA CSAD will formally recognize the credits obtained. In the case of students who already have the degree, the internship mobility will be reflected in the corresponding document. The student will have to make a final report online.
The ERASMUS program envisages that all selected students (except native speakers in the language of the host country) before signing the learning agreement will have to do an online level test in one of the languages available on the OLS platform: English, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Czech, Danish, Greek, Polish, Portuguese and Swedish.
Depending on the number of licenses available to the student, the possibility of doing an online course will be offered. In the case of being selected to complete the course, at the time of signing the learning agreement the student agrees to do so, upon acceptance by the student. Once the mobility is complete, all students will have to take a second level test online.
The ERASMUS + program also gives the entire teaching community of the center the opportunity to live an experience of an international nature, going, visiting, giving and receiving classes in other schools in Europe. Also to staff members in order to know other operating systems of international centers. The ERASMUS + program covers the cost of travel and accommodation and gives a% in the form of allowances.
This European mobility project, aimed at teaching staff, includes the following activities:
TEACHING: This activity allows teachers and other teaching staff members to teach classes at a school associated abroad.
COURSES OR STRUCTURED STRUCTURED TRAINING ACTIVITIES: Support for the professional development of teaching staff, school center directors or other members of the teaching staff.
LEARNING FOR OBSERVATION: It offers an opportunity for teachers, school center directors and other staff members to spend a period abroad in an associated center or in another relevant organization in the field of school education.
These activities also represent, in short, an opportunity for teachers to obtain competences in areas of their pedagogical orbit.
From school we are involved in fostering this type of experience, so for all those interested, you can request more information to the Head of mobility by sending an email to international@eolia.cat.
Núria Legarda | Head of the body and dance department | Rose Bruford College (United Kingdom) | 21/06/2017 – 22/06/2017 |
Den Danske Scenekunstskole (Kobenhavn, Denmark) | 24/04/2018 – 28/04/2018 | ||
Institute National Supérieur des Arts du Spectacle et de Tecniques de Diffusion (Bruxelles, Belgium) | 07/05/2018 – 10/05/2018 | ||
Esther Pallejà | Attach to the department voice and diction |
Rose Bruford College (United Kingdom) | 12/10/2017 – 21/10/2017 |
Information and inquiries: international@eolia.cat
Mobility leader: Sebastià Bover
Incoming mobility and Academic Procedures: Joan vall
Outgoing mobility and Academic Procedures: Catalina Esquivel