Does it also happen to you that when you sit down, your belly makes little hills, like the stairs of an inflatable slide? Do you also have cellulite? Do you also get sore thighs in the summer depending on the pants you wear? Have you too been told all your life that you should eat more or that you should eat less and given advice that you never asked for?
This work is for you. This work is for all the people who have made plans about what our life would be like once we achieved our dream body. This work is for all the people who have hidden our body, mainly in times of heat. This work is for all the people who couldn't hold their gaze when they saw themselves in the mirror. This play is for all the people who felt we weren't worth enough because we weren't pretty enough. And finally, this work is for all the people who at some point in our lives have become obsessed with the mythical "perfect body" (which, spoiler alert, it does not exist). Like giant spots surrounded by perfect circles.
From July 25 to 28.
From Thursday to Saturday at 20pm.
Sunday at 18 p.m.
Language: Catalan and Spanish
Age: Starting at 15 years
Dramaturgy and direction: Judit Ecb
Performers: Pau Jimfer, Patrícia Palau, Marina Whitehouse Mutiño
Adjutant of direction: Via Walsh Ferré
Lighting design: Alba Valls and Judit Ecb
Scenography: Alba Valls
Changing room: Florence Nunez
Movement advice: Teresa García-Valenzuela and Ana Albornoz
Company: The Spot
Acknowledgments: Laura Vila
A production ofAeolian Emerging Scene 2024