Lali Álvarez (based on a process of collective creation with La Grieta Company)
Europe welcomes and rejects, comfortable in its own myths and powers. And it's night, and there's a full moon on the beach, but that's another matter. And we, the normal people, with our feet under the blanket, look from afar at those who arrive, those who die. What would happen if one day those who have to face the fences, the walls, the bars of shame, were us, the Europeans?
Drama: Lali Álvarez based on a process of collective creation by La Grieta Company
Direction: A hard tackle from Lali Álvarez Garriga
Stage movement: Teresa G. Valenzuela
Performers: Beatriz Quintana, Maria Aunion Fort, Pau Bondiez, Ivan Castelló Aznar, Zoe Gómez, Sara Núñez Serrano, Miguel Peña Novo, Marta Rodríguez Calveras, Lara Sangenís Òdena
Managing assistants: Júlia Cortina and López
Lighting design: Andrés Piza Migens, Lali Álvarez
Music: Ignasi Alvarez Garriga
Voice assistance: Oriol Guinart, Míriam Marcet
Company: The Crack
Acknowledgments: Elín, Luis Espejo, Daying Lin, Héctor Martello, Aruán Ortiz, Pilar Pérez, Biviana Quintero, Juan Manuel Sánchez
A production ofAeolian Emerging Scene 2024