Self-knowledge and emotional leadership program

In this course you will learn to recognize, accept, manage your emotions from a bodily approach.
Through the powerful tools of "Coaching" and "Movement", you will discover a new way of connecting with your innate structure.

You will have at your disposal practical tools that will allow you to control and overcome situations that generate stress, anxiety, nerves, fears and blockages, learning to know yourself better.

You will become aware of your internal dialogue, learning to manage the impact on your environment and others.
You will train your empathy in conflict resolution by optimizing your nonverbal communication to have more positive and enriching relationships.

This course does not require any personal technical knowledge to complete. You just need your desire to learn more about EMOTIONS AND BODY, to challenge yourself and get out of your comfort zone.

Sessions: Movement module (emotions in the body) + Emotion module (analysis and practical dynamics)
In each session a basic emotion is analyzed: Joy-fear-sadness-anger + 1 process closing session.


Pending new dates


Complete training includes the three modules next:

Journey to the body
Emotions and body
Recovering your innate structure

Price for 3 modules: € 225
Price for 2 modules: € 150
Price 1 module: 79 €


ACC (Associate Certified Coach) certified coach by ICF (International Coaching Federation).
Facilitator in personal and team change processes in companies.
Coach of movement and nonverbal language in EOLIA.
Choreographer and dancer: passionate about the perfect combination of body, art and consciousness.
Master in “Management Development, Emotional Intelligence and Coaching” at BUSINESS SCHOOL BCN (2019).
NLP Course (Neuro Linguistic Programming) FOMENT BCN.
Creator of the program "Movement coaching, emotional leadership and change management."